Users questions

How can you tell if a betta is stressed?

How can you tell if a betta is stressed?

Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.

Can Bettas recover from stress?

Aquarium fish can become stressed by any number of things ranging from poor water quality to disease to changes in tank parameters. In some cases, mild stress is something your aquarium fish can recover from but, in many cases, it is an early sign of something that can become a major problem.

Do betta fish need stress coat?

You should ALWAYS avoid purified or distilled water, as it lacks the necessary minerals and nutrients your betta needs to survive. It’s often beneficial to use a stress coat additive. This is going to restore your bettas natural slime coat, which can be removed during handling or when your betta is stressed.

When should I change my betta’s water?

For a small tank, changing water every week is a must. In this case, you will have to change 30-50% water every week. For a large tank that has a filter in it, the water still needs to be changed every week but you only need to change 20% of it.

How long can a betta fish stay in a cup?

one of these days I’ll have to get one and turn it into a planted betta tank! Anyways, on to your question. Yes, generally bettas can stay in those cups for a couple days.

Why are Bettas sold in cups?

Small flat-sided glass containers allow the customer can see the fish better. We also always bag the fish for the customer. If the Bettas sell quickly small cups can be OK, but you usually only see that in the chain stores.

Why does my betta spit out its food?

Don’t be alarmed if the betta spits out its food. This, too, is common behavior and it’s believed to be a mechanism for breaking down and softening the food. Try some live bloodworms or live brine shrimp if all else fails, either one will almost always entice your betta into eating.

Can bettas eat carrots?

It’s not a good idea to feed carrots, beans or other vegetables that are very fibrous to your betta. These are difficult for your betta to chew and swallow and they can cause digestive problems. You should also avoid vegetables that have bitter flavors – things like cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli.

Can you feed sea monkeys to Betta?

Sea monkeys are fine, same as brine shrimp. You can feed them things like egg yolks, yeast, fish meal & soybean powder. Probably even ground up pellets like Omega One or NLS which in turn would make the brine shrimp more nutritious.

Can you put sea monkeys with fish?

Sea monkeys are brine shrimp, and brine shrimp are a common “treat” for aquarium fish. They’re going to get gobbled up in no time if you put them together with your guppies. Sea monkeys are brine shrimp, and brine shrimp are a common “treat” for aquarium fish.

Can you feed bettas brine shrimp?

Bettas are carnivores and need a diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Freeze dried or frozen bloodworms and/or brine shrimp can also be part of a betta’s feeding regimen, but should be used sparingly.

Can Sea Monkeys go in a fish tank?

Yep. You can put them in whatever, but live plants won’t survive in the salinity they require. I breed them in 2 liter bottles with an air stone as fish food. You could also get really ambitious and get her a tank with some freshwater shrimp.

Can you use tap water for sea monkeys?

Pour 12 ounces of water into any clean glass container or (preferably) a special Sea-Monkey® tank, such as the Micro-View Ocean Zoo. Distilled water is recommended , but if not available , tap or spring water may be used. These are your newborn pet Sea-Monkeys® .

How often should I feed my sea monkeys?

How often do I feed my Sea Monkeys? Feeding your Sea-Monkeys once a week usually works quite well. It really depends greatly on how many of your pets survive to adulthood after the first few weeks of life. Less than 16 adult Sea-Monkeys, and you may want to reduce it to once every 8 to 10 days.