Users questions

How can I have a productive day?

How can I have a productive day?

9 Things You Need to Do Every Morning to Have a Productive Day

  1. Plan the night before.
  2. Wake up refreshed.
  3. Create a morning to focus your mind.
  4. Set a daily intention.
  5. Daily affirmations.
  6. Avoid your phone.
  7. Schedule your day.
  8. Network over coffee.

What is the least productive day of the week?

Mondays come in second place, and Wednesdays are third. Thursday and Friday are tied for the least productive days of the week, according to the more than 300 HR managers who were polled. So if you have a big project to tackle – or a backlog of work to catch up on – today’s the day. Tuesday is when to get it done.

What is the most dangerous day of the week?


What day of the week are employees more productive?


Is Tuesday a good day?

In fact, Tuesday and Friday are known as good days for Gods. We conduct all our rituals only one these days. Tuesday is earmarked for Devi, and Friday for all Gods. It is a superstition followed in Hinduism stating that Tuesday is inauspicious day to start any thing new.

Is it OK to cut hair on Monday?

Hairdressing on Monday brings stress and health down. On Monday, the hair and bearded cut are found child at risk. Tuesday- Cutting hair and nails on Tuesday is considered inauspicious. It is believed that the person’s age is reduced by haircut this day.

What days should you not wash your hair?

Washing hair on Monday – Married women should not wash hair on Monday, because it is written in the scriptures, that washing hair on this day puts a burden on the daughter!

Why we should not wash hairs on Thursday?

Washing hair: Some people believe that girls should never wash hair on Thursdays. Thursday is considered the day of Brihaspati Bhagwan (planet Jupiter) and he is said to reflect the image of a husband. Washing head on Thursday is said to bring misfortune to husband and children.

When should you wash your hair?

How Much Should You Wash? For the average person, every other day, or every 2 to 3 days, without washing is generally fine. “There is no blanket recommendation. If hair is visibly oily, scalp is itching, or there’s flaking due to dirt,” those are signs it’s time to shampoo, Goh says.

What can I do instead of shampooing my hair?

Do yourself a favor and see below for the five ways to wash your hair if you just don’t feel like dealing with shampoo.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Co-Wash.
  • Lemon Juice.
  • Baking Soda.
  • Dry Shampoo.

Can you really train your hair to be less oily?

…how can you protect your hair’s beneficial oils without that greasy, unpleasant sensation? Fortunately, you can actually train your hair to reduce its oil production. When you develop a routine that eliminates daily washing, your hair “learns” it won’t be losing those useful oils so often.

How long does it take to train your hair to be less oily?

Don’t worry, you can break the cycle by “training” your hair to be less oily. Depending on your hair type, you can wait three to five days between washes, and we’ve got the scoop on how to survive the process while you’re waiting for sebum production to slow down.

Should I wash my hair everyday if it’s oily?

If you have oily hair, it’s okay to wash it every day if you use a mild shampoo and a good conditioner after every wash. If possible, you can stretch the time between washes by using dry shampoo. But if you have oily hair and work out, you may feel more comfortable just washing your hair daily.