Does MI Paste prevent cavities?

Does MI Paste prevent cavities?

If the demineralization process predominates, this carious lesion progresses to form a cavity. Remineralization (deposition of tooth mineral) can repair or arrest the caries lesion if caught in a timely manner. This can prevent cavity formation and the need to restore the tooth with a restoration.

Does MI Paste Plus get rid of white spots?

Studies have also shown that the paste can eliminate and restore the acid imbalance caused by severe dry mouth by enhancing salivary function. Another application for MI Paste Plus is the elimination of white spot lesions (WSL). WSLs are areas of opacity or hypo-calcified enamel on the clinical crown.

Are white spot lesions reversible?

White spot lesions are defined as enamel surface and sub surface demineralisation, although these lesions can be reversed and do not form cavities.

How do you treat white spot lesions?

The most common method of microabrasion to remove white spot lesions is polishing labial/buccal surface of teeth with a rotating device by using a gel formed mixture of 18% hydrochloric acid (HCl) and medium grained pumice [40].

What is a white spot lesion?

White-spot lesions (WSLs) are demineralized spots of enamel that have a milky white appearance. The acid makes it so that the enamel is unable to remineralize itself, resulting in the formation of WSL. In some cases, WSLs can eventually develop into dental cavities.

What can cause white spot lesions?

The subsurface porosity caused by demineralization gives the lesion a milky appearance that can be found on the smooth surfaces of teeth. White spot lesions are not only the result of demineralization, however, as fluorosis, hypomineralization/hypomaturation and hypoplasia can also cause lesions.

Where are white spot lesions usually located?

White spot lesions (WSLs), defined as “white opacity,” occur as a result of subsurface enamel demineralization that is located on smooth surfaces of teeth [1].

How do you check for white spot lesions?

It can be determined if a lesion is active or inactive by a visual examination of white spot lesions. Chalky and rough surfaces indicate that the lesion is active, while smooth and shiny surfaces are indicative of an inactive lesion (12).

Are white spot lesions cavities?

Essentially, a white spot lesion is the area where the tooth began to decay, and it is the first sign of a cavity. For individuals with braces, these are very common and are the reason that proper oral hygiene is so important when wearing braces.

Do white spots on teeth go away after braces?

1. Do Nothing – Sometimes with regular brushing and good oral hygiene, the spots will go away all on their own.

Are white stains on teeth permanent?

A child affected by enamel hypoplasia may have permanent, discolored teeth with white spots or deep grooves. Common causes of fluorosis include drinking too much fluoridated water, swallowing fluoride toothpaste, and taking certain medications.