Users questions

Does fate and destiny exist?

Does fate and destiny exist?

The destiny (luck/fortune/fate) is a self-made automatic (worldly) system which came into existence with the creation of the universe through the great explosion (Big Bang). In this system, it is automatically determined at the moment of the explosion — when and where — what would happen in the traditional event.

Does fate control our lives?

It’s how fate works. You are control of your life; it is not in control of you. Fate is what will come to you in life, and free will is what you choose to do with it. You may not get what you want in life, but you will always get what you choose.

Is fate determined?

Fate is what puts opportunities in front of us but our destiny is ultimately determined by our decisions. For instance, if you go to a party and meet the perfect guy that was fate. But what you do about it is your destiny. We can either let fate lead us through life or we can shape our own destiny.

Is our fate written in the stars?

Our fate is written in the stars, so the old stories go. It makes for thrilling drama, but it isn’t the way the Universe works. But there’s an interesting effect of quantum mechanics that might leave an opening for a starry fate, so a team of researchers decided to test the idea.

Is everything predetermined?

Not only are all predetermined choices determined by definition, all determined choices can be regarded as predetermined as well: they always result from dispositions or necessities that precede them. Therefore, what we are really asking is simply whether our choices are determined.

How do stars move through the night sky?

These apparent star tracks are in fact not due to the stars moving, but to the rotational motion of the Earth. As the Earth rotates with an axis that is pointed in the direction of the North Star, stars appear to move from east to west in the sky.

Are Stars alive?

Stars are not alive, and yet we speak of their origins and ends as “birth and death.” It’s a convenient, if fanciful, way of describing the ultimately ill-fated relationship between matter and energy that is a star.

How long do stars take to die?

few million years

Can a black hole ever explode?

Answer: Black holes don’t really “explode”, which implies that they generate a large outburst of energy which ultimately tears them apart, but they do have outbursts (also, unfortunately, referred to as “explosions”).

What star becomes a black hole?

When the core collapses, the blast wave slams into the dense material above, which thwarts the explosion. Instead of creating a supernova, the star implodes, forming a black hole.

Will the sun ever burnout?

For about a billion years, the sun will burn as a red giant. Then, the hydrogen in that outer core will deplete, leaving an abundance of helium. Astronomers estimate that the sun has about 7 billion to 8 billion years left before it sputters out and dies.