Users questions

Does deplete mean?

Does deplete mean?

verb (used with object), de·plet·ed, de·plet·ing. to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of: The fire had depleted the game in the forest.

How do you use deficient in a sentence?

Deficient sentence example

  1. They are both deficient in solidity and in permanent interest.
  2. Fortunately Frederick had never been deficient in courage.
  3. Although deficient in technical training, he handled with great skill the difficult problems which were presented by the Civil War.

What are deficiency diseases answer?

“Deficiency diseases are diseases that are caused by the lack of certain essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, in one’s diet over a prolonged period of time.”

How do you say lack of time?

List search

21 »lack of time exp.
4 »in view of time constraints exp.
4 »lack of sufficient time exp.
4 »time was short exp.
3 »because of time limitations exp.

What is the meaning of not enough?

When something is “enough” it means that it is at a satisfactory level or quantity. The phrase “not enough” is obviously a negative form of that – and it shows that things are not satisfactory! For example: “There is not enough bread for the entire group to eat.”

What is it called when you don’t have enough of something?

deprivation. noun. a situation in which you do not have something that you need or want.

What does can’t get enough mean?

To love or thoroughly enjoy something; to desire a large or constant amount of something. This sushi is delicious—I can’t get enough!

Can’t get enough in a sentence?

Examples – Hear some example sentences. “I’m addicted to the new TV show Orange is the New Black. I can’t get enough of it!” “Last night I thought I could never get enough of that wine, but today I have a hangover.”

Can never get enough of this place?

“we can’t get enough of this place” means…? We like this place very much. We could come here often and still would never get tired of it.

Can never get over this?

Unable or unwilling to accept or believe something. Often used hyperbolically. I just can’t get over the fact that our team lost at the last minute like that. That movie was so fantastic, I can’t get over it!

What does it mean when you can’t get over someone?

And the truth about not being over it, about not moving on, about not being able to let someone go is simply, because you aren’t ready to. It means you aren’t ready to face a world where you will be okay without them. You aren’t ready to see the instances where they were not right for you.

How do you get over someone quotes?

10 Best Quotes to Get Over a Breakup

  1. “If you were happy with the wrong one, just think how happy you will be when the right one comes along.”
  2. “Someone I loved once gave me a box of darkness.
  3. “If you can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much you can love the right one.”
  4. 4. “

How did you get over me meaning?

(get something over) to do something or allow something to happen, because you want it to be finished or you want to start something else.