Users questions

Does CH3OCH3 have a net dipole moment?

Does CH3OCH3 have a net dipole moment?

The simple explanation is that the C – Cl bond has a dipole moment that is different from the C – H bond, and since the molecule is not symmetric, there is net electric moment.

What factors affect the strength of an ionic bond?

In ionic bonds, charge and distance are the two factors that affect the strength of the bond.

What are the different types of hydrogen bonding?

Hydrogen bondings are of two types, and it is classified as the following:

  • The Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding.
  • The Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding.

Does pH affect hydrogen bonding?

Hydrogen Bonding Changing the pH disrupts the hydrogen bonds, and this changes the shape of the protein.

What bonds are broken when enzymes denature?

Denaturation follows the breakdown of the tertiary configuration of the protein concerned, by rupture of the weak ionic bonds responsible for maintaining the linkage between amino acids in the secondary structure.

How does high salt cause denaturation?

However, at very high salt concentration, the increased surface tension of water generates a competition between protein and salt ions for hydration. Salts strip off the essential layer of water molecules from the protein surface eventually denaturing the protein.

Does pH affect disulfide bonds?

1 Answer. No, acidic conditions (i.e. low pH) shouldn’t be enough by itself to break a disulfide bond. The main reaction that breaks a S–S bond is cleavage by reduction. This is in a way similar to peroxides, which are stable even at very low pH (see e.g. mixtures of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide).

Why is disulfide bond strong?

A disulfide bond is a true covalent bond and as such is the strongest of these interactions. Ionic bonds come in a distant second in terms of bond strength as they form by the attraction of opposite full ionic charges. Disulfide is covalent bond, it is stronger than ionic bond.

Are disulfide bonds reduced?

The interconversion between dithiol and disulfide groups is a redox reaction: the free dithiol form is in the reduced state, and the disulfide form is in the oxidized state. A disulfide bond in an intracellular protein will be rapidly reduced in a disulfide exchange reaction with excess glutathione.

What kind of bond is a disulfide bond?

covalent bond

Is a disulfide bond strong?

The disulfide bonds are strong, with a typical bond dissociation energy of 60 kcal/mol (251 kJ mol−1). However, being about 40% weaker than C−C and C−H bonds, the disulfide bond is often the “weak link” in many molecules.

Do disulfide bonds stabilize quaternary structure?

Disulfide bonds function to stabilize the tertiary and/or quaternary structures of proteins and may be intra-protein (i.e., stabilizing the folding of a single polypeptide chain) or inter-protein (i.e., multi-subunit proteins such as antibodies or the A and B chains of insulin).