Users questions

Can you replace the blade on a FURminator?

Can you replace the blade on a FURminator?

Response from Furminator: We are very sorry to hear of you and your dogs experience. The FURminator deShedding tool is not a cutting tool and does not need sharpening or replacement edges.

Can you brush too much with FURminator?

You can kind of overdo it. It pulls out the undercoat, which normal brushes don’t typically do, but once the undercoat is thinned out, it can start grabbing topcoat. I don’t use my furminator for every brushing. I’ll use it maybe once a week at the most and use a regular brush until the next time.

How often should you use a FURminator?

For best results, use the FURminator undercoat deShedding tool 1-2 times a week for 10 to 20 minutes each session, though the actual time will vary depending on your pet’s breed, the condition of their coat, and the thickness of the pet’s individual coat.

What helps with shedding dogs?

How to Reduce Dog Shedding and Keep Your Home Clean

  • Brush Your Dog. Regular, even daily, brushing is the most effective way to keep your home hair-free.
  • The Right Dog Food.
  • A Fatty Acid Supplement.
  • Cover Your Furniture and Car Seats.
  • Allergy and Flea Control.
  • Vacuum Often.
  • Bathe Your Dog Occasionally During the Summer.
  • Use the Right Brush.

What causes dogs to shed more than usual?

Some medical conditions can cause excess shedding. Parasites, fungal infections, stress or sunburn are some of the more common problems that will cause your dog to have excessive hair loss. Hormonal issues due to a thyroid imbalance can lead to inflamed skin and brittle hair.

Can I shave my dog to stop shedding?

Get Control Over Shedding There’s no way to completely stop shedding. It’s a healthy and natural process that is necessary for dogs. Shaving your dog down is not a good idea, as it can interfere with your dog’s natural self-cooling and self-warming mechanism. In the long run, it will not make shedding occur any less.

Why does my dog act so weird after grooming?

THE SHORT ANSWER: Some dogs might have anxiety because of the clippers, being around other dogs, and other situations that arise at the groomers, etc. THE SHORT ANSWER: Some dogs might have anxiety because of the clippers, being around other dogs, and other situations that arise at the groomers, etc.