Users questions

Can you relearn professions in BFA?

Can you relearn professions in BFA?

Professions may be re-learned from profession trainers in capital cities. When re-learning a profession, you will not regain recipes or skill points lost from abandoning the profession.

What professions are good in BFA?

[Top 5] WoW BFA Best Professions For Massive Gold

  1. Alchemy.
  2. Herbalism.
  3. Enchanting.
  4. Tailoring. Tailoring continues to be very handy to this day, especially when used alongside Enchanting.
  5. Engineering. While this profession may be overlooked nowadays for its lack of uses, many miss the opportunity that lies with it.

What level should I learn professions WoW?

level 5

Are WoW professions worth it?

Gathering professions (herbalism, mining, skinning) aren’t as profitable right now as they have been because a lot of people aren’t crafting much. Only gathering profession will make you money. The only exception is Alchemy, you can save some money (not make it) if you do high end keys and raids.

What are the best professions for a mage in WoW?

Best PvE Mages professions

Profession % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Enchanting 38% 21.8%
Herbalism 34.2% 39.4%
Engineering 17.4% 18.8%
Jewelcrafting 7.2% 9%

How many WoW professions can you have?


What are the best professions for a demon hunter?

Best PvE Demon Hunters professions

Profession % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Alchemy 51% 31.2%
Herbalism 45.6% 39.4%
Leatherworking 25.2% 11.6%
Engineering 19.4% 18.8%

Is demon hunter good in Shadowlands?

Demon Hunter as both specs is perfectly fine atm. In any given situation I was top in damage both as a Havoc and a Vengeance (lol) in dungeons, I have little to no problems soloing rares as Vengeance. In Torghast both Havoc and Vengeance get fun and interesting anima powers to play around with and its very enjoyable!!

What armor can demon hunters wear?

While in lore, any race can become a demon hunter, in World of Warcraft: Legion, the demon hunter class is only available to night elves and blood elves. They are able to wield warglaives, fist weapons, one-handed axes, and one-handed swords, and they wear cloth and leather armor.

Can demon hunters tank?

This allows Vengeance Demon Hunters to face-tank mobs more than the other tanks, especially with some of the changes in Shadowlands, as well as survive very high magic burst damage.

Is Illidan dead?

Returning to Outland, Illidan dropped all pretense of serving Kil’jaeden and mustered his army—the Illidari—to begin his true war against the Burning Legion….

Illidan Stormrage
Location Seat of the Pantheon (lore), Various
Status Alive (lore) Defeatable

Are demon hunters evil?

Demon hunters are a bit more murky, although still definitely not evil. If anything, more like reckless and potentially dangerous. Legion shows us firsthand how dangerous their presence can be and how bad of an idea harboring a demon can be but they at least try to do it for a good cause.

Did Illidan kill Gul Dan?

This section concerns content related to Legion. After the alternate universe Gul’dan is defeated at the Nighthold, the recently revived Illidan kills him by burning him from the inside out with fel until only Gul’dan’s skull remains. Illidan then shatters the skull with his hand.