Users questions

Can you pop a balloon with a laser?

Can you pop a balloon with a laser?

A strong enough laser will pop balloons regardless of color. A laser will actually have an easier time popping a black balloon than a white one, since a black balloon absorbs most of the light energy that hits it, whereas a white balloon reflects a lot of it.

What power laser will pop a balloon?

IR laser

Can 5mW laser pop balloon?

Most laser pointers are class ii devices (which means that they use under 1 milliwatt of power). Class iii-b devices are between 5mW and 500mW (half a watt) of power. So, the high end of class iii-b lasers are the ones that would be used to pop balloons (or even set paper on fire).

Why do green laser pop balloons?

Without this filter, these laser pointers are very dangerous because the infrared light can damage your eyes. Laser pointers over about 100mW can pop balloons and melt plastic. Dark or black balloons are required because they are better at absorbing green light.

How strong does a laser have to be to start a fire?

As a rule, a laser that can light a match, pop a balloon, or cut electrical tape, will need to be over 200mW or 300mW, and the higher the power the better. For example, a 3,000mW blue laser pointer will be a fast acting burning laser tool where as a 200mW unit will just be able to pop a black balloon.

What color is the strongest laser?


Can a laser pointer kill an insect?

The general intuition is that the insect will absorb energy from the laser which will indirectly (if it is a visible light laser) be converted into heat. If the insect gets too hot it will die.

Will a laser blind a fly?

Yes, but only temporarily! If you shine a laser pointer so that it fully covers all of the fly’s eyes, it will usually remain frozen in place until you touch it – presumably unable to see. You can often catch live flies this way. The instant you move the laser away, the fly’s vision seems to return to normal.

Can sound kill a fly?

taregg: Flying insects can be killed if they are irradiated by powerful ultrasound. The frequency necessary depends on the physical characteristics of the insect. The idea is to cause the insect’s abdomen, for instance, to vibrate so strongly that it explodes, killing the insect.

How far can a laser pointer go?

Around 100 meters away from a red laser pointer, its beam is about 100 times wider and looks as bright as a 100-watt light bulb from 3 feet away. Viewed from an airplane 40,000 feet in the air — assuming there’s no clouds or smog — the pointer would be as bright as a quarter moon.