Users questions

Can you have two mouse cursors?

Can you have two mouse cursors?

Just add some extra mice and (optionally) keyboards and MouseMux will transform your PC into a multi-user system. The program will allow each independent user to type in different windows, drag or resize windows, and even allow fully simultaneous program interaction – all at the same time on the same windows desktop.

How do I use multiple cursors in Visual Studio?

Multiple Cursors in Visual Studio Code for Windows

  1. ALT-CLICK: Create cursors.
  2. CTRL-U: Undo last cursor operation.
  3. CTRL-SHIFT-L: Select current match.
  4. CTRL-F2: Select current word.
  5. SHIFT-ALT-→ / ←: Expand/shrink selection.
  6. SHIFT-ALT-CTRL-Arrows: Create rectangular selection (keyboard-only)
  7. CTRL-→ / ←: Select to word boundary.

How do I add multiple cursors in sublime?

While you can place multiple text cursors in Sublime Text with Cmd–Click (Mac) or Ctrl–Click (Windows), here’s another technique that comes in handy. Hold Ctrl–Shift (Mac) or Ctrl–Alt (Windows) and hit Up or Down Arrow to place an additional text cursor above or below the current cursor.

How do I get multiple cursors in Visual Studio?

To add cursors at arbitrary positions, select a position with your mouse and use Alt+Click (Option+click on macOS). You can add additional cursors to all occurrences of the current selection with Ctrl+Shift+L. Note: You can also change the modifier to Ctrl/Cmd for applying multiple cursors with the editor.

How can I make my VS code faster?

Troubleshooting performance issues

  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
  2. Run the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command.
  3. This command will open a argv. json file to configure runtime arguments. You might see some default arguments there already.
  4. Add “disable-hardware-acceleration”: true .
  5. Restart VS Code.

How do I make my Vscode run faster?

Here’s how to do it: Simply disable your extensions one at a time, and check to see if it made a difference. If your performance issues are obvious (E.g. files take 2 sec to open) than this should be quite easy. Disable → test → enable → disable the next one → test → etc.

How do you select multiple lines in VS?

To employ multi-line editing, use the following command for your OS:

  1. Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys.
  2. Linux: Shift + Alt + Arrow Keys.
  3. Mac: Opt + Cmd + Arrow Keys.

How do you select multiple tags in VS code?

Mac: Multi-Cursor Shortcuts

  1. Mac: Shift + Cmd + L. Select a word and press Shift + Cmd + L to select all instances of your selection.
  2. Shift + Alt/Option + I. Select a bunch of lines, then Shift + Alt/Option + I will put a cursor at the end of every selected line.
  3. Cmd + Option + Shift + UP/DOWN (ARROW)
  4. Alt/Option + Click.

How do you write multiple lines at once?

You can also select multiple lines at a time using a mouse. Alt+dragging selects an area that’s split into each line. This works great if the lines have the desired content at the same character positions, or if you’re wanting to only select the longer lines.

How do you select multiple words in Word?

Select multiple words with the mouse ↩ Place your cursor somewhere in or next to the first word you wish to select. While holding down Ctrl (Windows & Linux) or Command (Mac OS X), click in the next word you wish to select. Repeat until you’ve selected the words you want to change.

How do I select multiple words in sublime?

Select a block of lines, and then split it into many selections, one per line, using Ctrl+Shift+L, or Command+Shift+L on OS X.

How do you select multiple rows in notepad?

Multiselect to the end of rows in Notepad++

  1. Select something, then hold CTRL and select something else.
  2. Hold ALT+SHIFT and use the arrow keys to select multiple lines.
  3. Hold ALT+SHIFT and use the END key to select to end of lines.
  4. Hold ALT and click and drag the mouse to select a block.

How do I make multiple cursors in notepad?

Multi-Editing in Notepad++

  1. Click Settings → Preferences.
  2. Click Editing → Enable Multi-Editing.
  3. CTRL+Mouse Click to set multiple carets.
  4. Type in multiple locations.
  5. CTRL+Mouse Drag to select in multiple locations.
  6. Edit in multiple locations.

How do you select alternate lines in Notepad ++?

4 Answers

  1. Open the replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )
  2. Select “Regular expression”
  3. Find what: .+\r\n(.+(\r\n|$))
  4. Replace with: $1.
  5. Press “Replace All”

How do you combine all lines in Notepad ++?

  1. Highlight the lines you want to join (or use Ctrl + A to select everything)
  2. Choose Edit → Line Operations → Join Lines from the menu or press Ctrl + J .

How do I convert rows to single lines in Notepad ++?

To convert the rows to single columns: In the Notepad++ enter CTRL+F and go to the replace section and there you will find two columns Find What: and Replace With: In the Find What: give \r\n and in the Replace With: provide the value you want to use as a delimiter and then click replace all.

How do you remove white spaces in Notepad ++?

Method 4

  1. Ctrl + H to open the Search and Replace window.
  2. Here we won’t need to select “Regular expression.”
  3. Use ” ” (with no quotes) for “Find what” and “Replace with.” leave it blank.
  4. Click Replace all.

How do I add a comma separator in Notepad ++?

Notepad++: Remove new line and add comma Then do this: CTRL + H to open the Replace window. Then select Regular Expression in Search Mode. In the Find What, enter [\r\n]+. Then in the Replace with, enter the comma (,) and maybe followed by a space if you also want to add that.

How do you add a semicolon between lines in Notepad ++?

Add comma or semicolon at end of each line Notepad++

  1. Open the file in Notepad++
  2. Press: Ctrl + H to open Replace window,
  3. Find What: $
  4. Replace With: ,
  5. Make sure you select: Regular Expression in Search Mode.
  6. Click Replace All.

How do you put a semicolon at the beginning of lines in Notepad ++?

Follow these steps: Press Ctrl + H to bring up the Find/Replace Dialog….To add a word, such as test , at the beginning of each line:

  1. Type ^ in the Find what textbox.
  2. Type test in the Replace with textbox.
  3. Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected.
  4. Click Replace All button.

How do you put a comma after each line in Notepad ++?

Add text after every line with Notepad++ Open up the Replace window by using the keyboard combination CTRL + H . In the Find what input field, you enter $ . In the Replace with, you enter whatever you want to add after each line (in my case, a comma ,). Make sure that you have the Regular expression Search Mode ticked!

How do you do double quotes in Notepad ++?

4 Answers. One simple way is replace \n(newline) with “,”(double-quote comma double-quote) after this append double-quote in the start and end of file.

How do I add single quotes in Notepad ++?

1 Answer

  1. Open your text file in Notepad++ editor.
  2. Press Crtl+H.
  3. Type ^ (beginning of the line) in ‘Find What’ and ‘ (single quote) in ‘Replace with’.
  4. Type $ (end of the line) in ‘Find What’ and ‘ (single quote) in ‘Replace with’.