Users questions

Can you bleach live rock?

Can you bleach live rock?

Soak the rock in fresh water for a few days, sun bleach it until it’s dry, Hose it off with a freshwater spray, and when it’s dry again do a final dip in RO/DI. Or you can do as I do. Scrape off as much as possible and just flip the rock over and bury the infested area in the sand.

How do you sterilize live rock?

If you want to completely clean up rock that has a bunch of unwanted aiptasia, majano, algae, trash palys, etc and don’t care if you kill the bacteria in the rock, a bleach bath ( 2-3 cups per 5 gallons of fresh water ) for 24 hours. Repeat if needed.

What is the white stuff growing on my live rock?

The thick white stuff is dead Coralline Algae. with the right parameters it will grow back, no worries. It was dull and on some of the rock. It is now growing quickly, spreading, very white.

What grows on live rock?

Coralline algae takes up real estate on live rock and out-competes other nuisance algae like hair algae, green algae, diatoms, and mat algae. Most coralline algae species are epiphytic and have chemical defenses to fight off other nuisance algae from growing on it.

Can you put live rock in freshwater?

If you’re wondering whether you can use live rocks in a freshwater tank, the answer is no, because immerging a live rock in freshwater not only will kill all the living organisms on it but it will also completely nullified his purpose.

What rocks can I use in my aquarium?

Types of aquascaping rock

  • Slate and shale. You’ll find pieces of slate and shale offered for aquascaping in any pet shop and on line.
  • Lava rock. Volcanic rock, also known as lava rock, is a popular aquascaping material for aquariums.
  • Quartzite.
  • Petrified wood.
  • Glass rock.
  • Texas holey rock.
  • Rainbow rock.
  • Mountain Stone.

Can you put salt water rocks in a freshwater tank?

calcerous rocks from salty waters are not suitable for freshwater tanks); and (3) if you take proper steps to disinfect and prepare them for tank use. In fact, nothing is healthier and better than nature.

What is Texas Holey Rock?

Question: I saw a man selling something called “Texas holey rock” at the fish and aquarium auction at the Atlanta Farmers Market. Answer: Honeycomb limestone, or Texas holey rock, is a type of limestone that comes from Texas and is riddled with holes and chambers.

Does Texas Holey Rock affect pH?

Water Hardness and pH Solved That’s a drag. We can fix it. Cichlids need a higher water pH and Texas Holey Rock buffers the pH levels naturally to make your African cichlids happy and vibrantly-colored.

Where is Texas Holey Rock found?


What rocks are safe for cichlids?

The African cichlid aquarium should have plenty of rockwork, caves and other hiding places to create needed territories. Limestone and dolomite rock will help maintain proper water chemistry, but virtually any rock or artificial décor is suitable. Rinse all decorations before placing them in your aquarium.

Why do cichlids rub against rocks?

Ich is a common fish disease that can infect cichlids. The most obvious symptom of ich is the appearance of tiny white cysts on the body and fins. The cysts look like grains of salt on the fish. They may cause African cichlids to rub themselves on rocks to try and dislodge the parasites.

Do cichlids like high flow?

high flow is good to keep the poop in the cansiters ..and as far as i can tell the malawi love it. You have to remember that these fish love to swim long distance in the wild so increasing the flow in the tank is acctually making the tank a lot bigger as far as the fish are concerened ..

Do mbuna like current?

Mbunas appreciate lots of flow, they even enjoy swimming in it like it is a game. I do have experiene with them but not too much, just had them early august. But so far, they are swimming with the current that i have in the tank.

Can haps and mbuna live together?

But that is not to say you can’t keep mbunas with haps. If you manage to control their aggression, they will live happily and are a pairing I recommend you try. From my experience, yellow labs and Acei are the best mbunas to keep with other African cichlids including peacocks and haps.

Can you mix mbuna and peacocks?

Large, highly aggressive Mbunas should not be mixed with Peacocks, since they can tend to be very territorial, and may give your Peacocks a hard time.

How long does it take mbuna to reach full size?

about 3 years

How many Mbunas are in a 55 gallon tank?

How many Mbuna? the 12-25 range has a lot to do with getting males and females and weeding them out as you go. for a 55 gl tank of ADULT Mbuna I would be looking at maybe 16 depending on your choices of Subspecies in Mbunas.

When can you separate cichlid fry from parents?

If you find out that your African cichlid is incapable of protecting and providing for their young, then you should separate the adult from the breeding tank as soon as possible. Between the first five and seven days after hatching is complete, your fry will survive on the remains of their yolk sac.

How do I know if my cichlids are mating?

How to Know if Cichlids Are Mating

  1. Observe the dominant male cichlid. The dominant male becomes more aggressive to other males before mating with a female.
  2. Watch the male’s actions.
  3. Look at the rocks in the bottom of your aquarium.
  4. Notice the female deposit her eggs.
  5. Observe a male cichlid that is not a mouth brooder.

Will convicts eat their fry?

During this time, it is normal for the parents to pick up the wigglers in their mouth and move them around the tank. Don’t be alarmed by this! (As a note, your Convict Cichlid pair may eat their babies the first few spawns. They are new parents and are still trying to figure everything out, this is normal.)