Users questions

Can you add games to PlayStation classic?

Can you add games to PlayStation classic?

In fact, if you want to add extra games to your PlayStation Classic you can do so by simply plugging in a USB stick and following a few simple steps. Instead, you simply load up the game files you want to play and insert the USB into the PlayStation Classic’s 2nd controller port and play.

What is Intelligent Cube in MicroStrategy?

Intelligent Cubes are multi-dimensional cubes (sets of data) that allow you to use OLAP Services features on reports, as well as share sets of data among multiple reports. On MicroStrategy’s business intelligence platform, you have two unique methods to implement Intelligent Cube Technology:

How do you make an intelligent cube in MicroStrategy?

To build an Intelligent Cube

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, from the File menu, point to New, and then select Intelligent Cube.
  2. Select Empty Intelligent Cube and click OK.
  3. Add objects such as attributes, metrics, and so on for the Intelligent Cube, the same way you would add report objects.

What are OLAP services in MicroStrategy?

MicroStrategy OLAP Services lets MicroStrategy Developer, Web, and Office users make use of features that slice and dice data in reports without re-executing SQL against your data source. This improves performance by resulting in quicker data display within a report as users analyze and manipulate the data.

What are the different types of OLAP servers?

Types of OLAP Servers

  • Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
  • Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
  • Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP)
  • Specialized SQL Servers.

What is OLAP service?

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a multidimensional analysis of business data. It provides the capability for complex calculations, trend analysis, etc. MicroStrategy’s OLAP Services is an expansion of MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. It uses the concept of Inmemory Business Intelligence.

Where is OLAP used?

OLAP is an acronym for Online Analytical Processing. OLAP performs multidimensional analysis of business data and provides the capability for complex calculations, trend analysis, and sophisticated data modeling.

What are OLAP cubes used for?

An OLAP cube is a method of storing data in a multidimensional form, generally for reporting purposes. In OLAP cubes, data (measures) are categorized by dimensions. OLAP cubes are often pre-summarized across dimensions to drastically improve query time over relational databases.

Why OLAP is used?

For business users, it enables fast and intuitive access to centralized data and related calculations for the purposes of analysis and reporting. For IT, an OLAP solution enhances a data warehouse or other relational database with aggregate data and business calculations.

What is difference between OLTP and OLAP?

OLTP and OLAP both are the online processing systems. OLTP is a transactional processing while OLAP is an analytical processing system. The basic difference between OLTP and OLAP is that OLTP is an online database modifying system, whereas, OLAP is an online database query answering system.

What is OLAP and its types?

OLAP is a technology that enables analysts to extract and view business data from different points of view. There are primary five types of analytical operations in OLAP 1) Roll-up 2) Drill-down 3) Slice 4) Dice and 5) Pivot. Three types of widely used OLAP systems are MOLAP, ROLAP, and Hybrid OLAP.

What is OLTP example?

An OLTP system is an accessible data processing system in today’s enterprises. Some examples of OLTP systems include order entry, retail sales, and financial transaction systems. OLTP is often integrated into service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web services.

Is Oracle OLTP or OLAP?

Oracle data warehouse On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) Tuning – OLAP.

What is online transaction with example?

Online transactions are familiar to most people. Examples include: ATM machine transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, inquiries, and transfers. Supermarket payments with debit or credit cards. Purchase of merchandise over the Internet.


MySQL’s architecture is ideal for online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, for which data — individual records such as customers, accounts, or sessions — is best stored by rows. Data for online analytical processing (OLAP) systems — measurements that comprise large groups of records — is best stored by columns.

Which is better OLAP or OLTP?

OLTP and OLAP: The two terms look similar but refer to different kinds of systems. Online transaction processing (OLTP) captures, stores, and processes data from transactions in real time. Online analytical processing (OLAP) uses complex queries to analyze aggregated historical data from OLTP systems.

Is Netezza OLAP or OLTP?

We recently migrated our database from Oracle to Netezza . Our’s is mainly an OLAP database but a part of it is OLTP which populates few tables ( Front end application) . These real-time tables will get joined with few history tables and generates reports.

Is redshift A OLTP?

OLTP – Amazon Redshift is designed for data warehousing workloads delivering extremely fast and inexpensive analytic capabilities. If you require a fast transactional system, you might want to choose a traditional relational database system built on Amazon RDS or a NoSQL database such as Amazon DynamoDB.

Which of the following is are not a traditional transaction processing database a SQL Server B Netezza C db2 D Teradata?

Answer. Teradata is not a traditional transaction processing database.

What is difference between Db2 and MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL)….Difference between MySQL and IBM Db2 :

5. It has the concept of Referential Integrity and Foreign keys. It also has the concept of Referential Integrity and Foreign keys.

Is Db2 a distributed database?

DB2 is a DRDA-compliant RDBMS product. DRDA is only one protocol for supporting distributed RDBMS. Of course, if you are a DB2 user, it is probably the only one that matters. The biggest benefit provided by DRDA is its clearly stated set of rules for supporting distributed data access.

What is difference between Oracle and Db2 database?

Db2 is well known for reliability and scalability, while Oracle Database is more known for its wide range of applications, tools, skills, and partners available. Both are very stable databases, with large amounts of documentation and good support. You may also be considering other options, such as Db2 vs. SQL Server.

What is the difference between SQL and DB2?

SQL Server provides a Graphical User Interface to Perform Various operations on the Database. The GUI makes it easy to work with the database. It is to be noted that DB2 also Provides the GUI. The License of Oracle and DB2, for only 10 Users, requires 2 Lakhs, whereas SQL Server requires approx.

What kind of database is DB2?

relational database

Is DB2 dead?

DB2 is the lowest-scoring of the major brands of commercial RDBMS, but it’s not dead yet. DB2 has an advantage that it has the best support for the impressive IBM POWER8 server architecture.

What is DB2I?

DB2I is a series of ISPF panels and CLISTs that can increase the TSO DB2 developer’s productivity. DB2I provides many features that can be exploited by the TSO user to query and administer DB2 data.

What companies use Db2?

DB2 and HDP provide flexibility and production-grade performance on the systems both in cloud and on premises….DBMS Market Share (in %)

Company Name Share
Oracle 45.6%
Microsoft 19.1%
IBM 15.7%
SAP 9.6%