Users questions

Can I be a nurse with a face tattoo?

Can I be a nurse with a face tattoo?

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s dress code for nurses clearly prohibits the following: “Visible or gross tattooing on face, neck, arms or hands; tattoos 1 inch in size—graphic/disturbing, e.g., displaying violence, drugs, sex, alcohol, tobacco products.” However, there is also a note stating that some ……

Can doctors have tattoos on their hands?

The rules surely vary from one hospital to the other, but almost every hospital policy indicates tattoos to be covered during work hours. However, there are some hospitals and clinics where doctors and medical staff are allowed to have a visible tattoo….

Can a medical assistant have a nose piercing?

In general, NO facial piercings. If you have such piercings, remove them while at work. You may need flesh colored posts.

Which residency pays the most?

Here are the 10 highest-paid residencies, according to Medscpae:

  • Medical geneticists: $67,500.
  • Allergy and immunology: $66,500.
  • HIV/Infectious diseases: $66,500.
  • Surgery, specialized: $65,700.
  • Plastic surgery/aesthetic medicine: $65,600.
  • Cardiology: $65,400.
  • Hematology: $65,400.
  • Critical care: $65,300.

What comes after residency?

The training that is done after a residency (in a subspecialty) is usually called a fellowship. Much of what you will learn in your chosen specialty will be learned in your residency….

How do doctors pay off debt?

Student loan refinancing is likely the best option for doctors paying off medical school debt aggressively. If you can get a lower rate, you could save thousands of dollars in interest over the life of your loan. If you refinance during your residency, you may be able to pay as little as $100 a month.

Can I go to medical school if poor?

There is no reason a lower income student cannot afford med school, many ‘middle class’ students are taking loans for the whole thing. As stated above, you would need to make sure that during undergrad, you accumulate a fund for med school apps & MCAT & interview travel costs….

How can I get into medical school with no money?

Here’s our guide on how to pay for medical school without completely going broke.

  1. Look for local scholarship opportunities.
  2. Apply for federal financial aid.
  3. Consider private student loans.
  4. Become a TA or RA.
  5. Enroll in a service program.

Is med school worth the debt?

The short answer to this question is yes. Medical school is worth it. Financially, going to medical school and becoming a doctor can be profitable, especially if you’re able to save and invest a considerable amount of your income before retirement….

How do medical students survive financially?

Many medical students finance their education through federal loans, which are preferable to private loans for a number of reasons. Federal loans come with repayment options, such as income-based repayment or Pay As You Earn, which cap how much you off each month….