Users questions

Can guinea pigs eat a whole tomato?

Can guinea pigs eat a whole tomato?

Most types of tomato including cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, plum tomatoes (not tinned!), beefsteak tomatoes and many other varieties are safe for guinea pigs to eat. But never feed your guinea pig the whole of a larger tomato as this is far too much for them.

Can tomatoes kill guinea pigs?

The leaves of the tomato plant contain alkaloid poisons that can kill guinea pigs, even in small doses.

Can my guinea pig eat grape tomatoes?

Tomato: Guinea pigs love all kinds of tomato – cherry, Roma, grape etc. They are great for vitamin C. You should make sure that your guinea pigs don’t get more than the equivalent of a quarter of a regular tomato each day, though.

Can guinea pigs have sun dried tomatoes?

Are tomatoes safe for guinea pigs? Tomatoes are safe for our guinea pigs. Until we provide the raw tomatoes and serve them in moderation, it will not cause any harm to guinea pigs. Tomato contains some amount of vitamin C, which is essential for our guinea pigs.

What veggies can guinea pigs eat daily?

Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, cilantro or parsley should comprise the bulk of your pig’s fresh produce. Vegetables like red or green pepper, broccoli and tomatoes have high levels of vitamin C in them and are great daily options. Add carrots, zucchini and sweet potato once or twice a week.

Can guinea pigs have apples?

Guinea pigs have special dietary needs and must have sufficient Vitamin C in their diet. To avoid sudden changes in diet; never feed lawnmower clippings. These upset digestive systems causing illness. Root vegetables like carrots, or fruit e.g. apples, only in small amounts as treats, e.g. apple quarter.

Why wont my guinea pig let me pick her?

There could be several reasons. It could be that you haven’t had him very long and he needs time to come to trust you, you might be lunging into his cage to grab him and he’s scared (they are prey animals) Either way, he needs to trust you and bribery is a good way to achieve this.

Why does my guinea pig not let me touch him?

It’s instinctive for them to be afraid of predators. They become socialized when they trust you. If you scare them, they will continue to be afraid. That’s why it’s important to hold them as much as possible so they know that you won’t harm them.

Why won’t my guinea pig let me touch her belly?

This is an extremely unusual problem in a guinea pig, but it is highly possible she was never entirely socialized and therefore considers her stomach area a sacred part of the body. It is also possible that there is something that is sensitive/painful in this area.

Where do guinea pigs not like to be touched?

Guinea pigs should always be on a stable surface before you attempt petting. This often means in the cage, on the floor, or on your lap. Never pet your guinea pig at a place where your friend might fall, such as a table edge.

Can guinea pigs sleep in your bedroom?

Yes, it is entirely safe to keep your guinea pigs in a bedroom if you can ensure the temperature and airflow of the room is good enough for your piggies.

Why does my guinea pig poop in his food bowl?

I suspect some guinea pigs leave a poop in their food bowl as a sign of ownership, even if they are the only one. Alternatively, there are special corner toilet trays that you can put in to see if he will use one; after all, by pooping in the bowl, he is keeping his bedding clean.

What do guinea pigs love the most?

  • Guinea pigs love fresh vegetables and should have a few every day. You can experiment to find your pigs’ favorites, and they may enjoy eating them from your hand or lap.
  • Offer them fruit only sparingly (no more than one small piece per week).
  • Opt for Timothy hay-based food pellets with no added seeds or colored pieces.