Users questions

Can Bettas disintegrate?

Can Bettas disintegrate?

You shouldn’t have left food. Fish decompose very quickly, so it probably died and just was decomposed. You need to remember that bettas have small stomaches and can last 3-4 days without food if properly fed. If you have a filter/heater, yes that has something to do with this.

Can a fish disappear from a tank?

When fish are sick, they are likely to spend more time hiding in the tank and they may exhibit behavioral changes such as lolling near the bottom of the tank. When this happens, you might not notice the fish and it could disappear completely before you even realize it is missing.

Is it normal for a betta fish to stay in one spot?

It’s possible your have an egg -ready fish requiring comfort and privacy. If there are other fish in the tank, it could be a problem of over-crowding, over feeding, and maybe the Betta feels threatened. If there is a live plant in the tank or bowl, be sure it doesn’t have dead spots on it.

Does my betta have swim bladder?

The swim bladder is an air-filled organ that helps your betta remain buoyant and float at the depth they want to be at. Most bony fish have a swim bladder. Problems with the swim bladder can result in odd swimming or difficulty changing depth.

Can you tell how old a betta fish is?

In conclusion, while it is difficult to determine the exact age of betta unless they are a baby, you can determine the general age of a betta through a variety of factors. If they have a hunched back, are over 2 inches in length, and have dull colors, they are over a year and a half old.

Can betta fish die from flaring?

It will only lead to stress, exhaustion, and strain on the betta’s well-being. Your fish will no doubt end up very sick if you do this. Allow him to flare for a minute or two once per day.

Why is my betta fish always near the filter?

Answer: It may be because the filter is too strong, or the fish is ill, or both. The current of the tank, along with the pull of the intake, may mean the area near the intake is where he can stay while expending the least amount of energy.