Can a GSP live with a cat?

Can a GSP live with a cat?

GSPs are, by nature, often not very amicable with cats and other small furry or feathery pets. However, caution should always be used with any other small pet companions such as cats, rabbits, gerbils, birds, and some toy breed dogs. The GSP and owner will both benefit from obedience and other types of training.

Why do pointers shake?

The Short Haired German Pointer is an excitable dog because he likes to be active. After a spell in a dam or river, your dog is going to shake off the excess water on his coat. The action of shaking off the water and having a good shiver helps prevent hypothermia, as well as dry off your dog.

Can pointers be left alone?

When Can German Shorthaired Pointers Be Left Alone in the House? GSPs are relatively slow to mature. Therefore, you should not leave your GSP loose alone in the house until he’s at least 2 years old and has demonstrated the ability to ignore things that he shouldn’t touch.

Are pointers hard to train?

Training difficulties. English Pointers are not dominant dogs, but they can be a challenge to train because they are so easily distracted by exciting sights, sounds, and scents. It takes some training experience to hold the dog’s attention. Read more about English Pointer Training.

Do pointers like to dig?

Pointers can be very destructive when they are bored or don’t get enough exercise, especially when young. This can result in chewing, digging, and many other negative behaviors that can lead to expensive vet bills and replacement costs.

Do pointers ever calm down?

Pointers are naturally energetic and need some work to calm down. Having a calm pointer is not an impossible task and there are many ways to ensure that you have a happy relationship with man’s best friend. Don’t despair, we can help you!

Are pointer dogs easy to train?

Pointers are stubborn, easily distracted, and excitable so new dog owners may find it more difficult to train their pointer if they don’t know what they’re doing. Pointers are easier to train at as puppies and if the owner is patient and consistent.

Do pointer dogs point naturally?

“If he’s a Pointer, he’s picking up a scent and raising one foot to point in the direction he smells prey,” says Diane Townsend, president of the American Pointer Club. “There’s nothing more natural in this breed than to point.”

How big do pointer mix dogs get?

around 25 inches tall