Users questions

Are peas good for betta fish?

Are peas good for betta fish?

Pea can be used in moderation to treat mild bloating due to constipation or once per week to add fiber to your betta’s diet as a preventative measure. Most bettas will readily eat the pea but occasionally a individual fish won’t take it.

How do I get my betta to eat peas?

Drop one piece of the pea into your betta’s tank. Using tweezers or your fingers, drop one piece of the pea into the water at a time. Adding them gradually will get the betta’s attention, luring it to the food. The pea will likely drop to the bottom of the tank.

Can I feed my fish peas?

We recommend feeding green peas to your pet fish to help out with stomach ailments such as bloating, constipation and swim bladder disease. You should look for frozen organic peas with no additives. To feed, you should place the frozen peas into boiling water and then let it cool down to room temperature.

What does betta fin rot look like?

The first signs of fin rot in betta fish will be white spots that start to form on the fin. The white spots will primarily develop around the edge of the fin and gradually grow worse during the first stage. The white spots can be difficult to catch at first since they can be quite tiny.

Will fin rot cure itself?

While relatively easy to prevent, fin rot can be difficult to cure once it does set in, particularly in the more advanced stages. If left untreated, fin rot will eventually kill the diseased fish and may infect all the other fish in the tank as well.

Can betta fish recover from fin rot?

Possible Cures. It’s normal for a betta to get fin rot at some point throughout its life. Even the most experienced betta keepers have to fight this pesky problem, but it’s easily cured. That being said, if untreated over time fin rot can get progressively worse and sometimes develop into body rot (in extreme cases).

What is clamped fin Betta?

Clamped fins are a sure sign of stress. Fish can become stressed from a variety of things; improper water conditions, improper environment, improper tankmates, and a host of other possibilities. Unfortunately, a 1.3 gallon tank is too small for any fish, including bettas. Bettas are tropical fish and do need a heater.

Can too much aquarium salt kill fish?

Again, this is a dividing issue. The one thing that all aquarists seem to agree on is that salt should only be used lightly. Remember that these are freshwater fish you’re dealing with, and too much salt can kill them.

How often should you add salt to a freshwater aquarium?

Yes, add 1 rounded tablespoon of API AQUARIUM SALT for every 5 gallons or ½ rounded tablespoon for every gallon of water. When doing a water change, add any treatments and supplements to the new water before adding salt to your aquarium.

Is salt good for betta fish?

As long as you’re not overdosing your tank, then aquarium salt is perfectly safe for bettas. While some people use aquarium salt to treat mild illnesses, other people add it to their tank as a general preventative. However, it’s important to remember that bettas don’t need aquarium salt.