Users questions

Are iPod touches worth buying?

Are iPod touches worth buying?

The iPod touch is worth buying, even if you already own an iPhone. I’ve heard a lot of people say that the iPod touch is obsolete and isn’t worth buying if you already have a smart phone. I used to think the same way. Download a bunch of games you wouldn’t have put on your iPhone for space-saving reasons.

Can you call and text on an iPod?

Your iPod Touch is now a fully functioning Wi-Fi Phone. Text and Call for no charge, all you need is Wi-Fi. Enjoy! TextPLUS with Voice features texting and calling.

What can you use an iPod touch for?

Since it runs the iOS, the same operating system used by the iPhone and iPad, the iPod touch is also a web browsing device, a communications tool, a portable game system, and a video player.

Do iPods have phone numbers?

The iPod Touch does not have any cellular phone capability. You may want to reply with further details about what it is that you are trying or wanting to do. To send an iMessage to an iPod Touch, her friends would send to her Apple ID rather than to a phone number.

Can you play games on an iPod?

Games for iPod touch are made to take advantage of its built-in technologies such as the accelerometer, Multi-Touch, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth wireless technology. And with an App Store that offers thousands of games ready to download and play, the fun of iPod touch never ends.

Why does my iPod ring when I get a phone call?

Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac using Continuity The phone calls are because the two are signed in with the same Apple ID and are on the same Wi-Fi network. To stop that, go to Settings>FaceTime>iPhone cellular calls>OFF. I also just called my cell from my home phone and the Ipad rang as a Facetime call.

Why won’t my iPad ring when someone Facetimes me?

4 Answers. Go to ‘Settings’, then to ‘Do Not Disturb’ and make sure it is set to allow all calls from FaceTime. Go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Sounds’, and make sure you have a ringtone for calls / FaceTime set. Having Mute mode enabled will prevent the device making any sound when called.

Why does my iPhone not ring but my iPad does?

Check your FaceTime and/or iMessage settings. Check your FaceTime and/or iMessage settings. I had a problem with my phone and my wife’s phone AND my iPad receiving the same call. Disabled use cellular for FaceTime calls and it stopped.

Why does my wife’s phone ring when someone calls me?

“We Have Different Phone Numbers, Why Are Our iPhones Ringing at the Same Time?” Settings-wise, the reason the phones actually ring together is due to a new feature FaceTime called iPhone Cellular Calls, but the underlying cause is more relevant, and that is the sharing of a single iCloud and/or Apple ID.

Can 2 iPhones be linked together?

If you have more than one iPhone, you can connect all of the devices at the same time. Each device shows up in the Devices section of iTunes. You’ll need a wireless connection or a separate USB cable, and a free USB port on your computer for each iPhone.

Can I use same Apple ID on 2 phones?

You can use a single AppleID on many devices, including 2 iphones. All devices using that AppleID share all messages, conversations, iCloud emails, contacts, calendars, phone logs etc.

Does Do Not Disturb have text messages?

In “Do Not Disturb” settings, scroll down until you see the Auto-Reply options. Tap “Auto-Reply.” On the next screen, tap the text input area, and type any message you’d like. If you’d like to change who will receive the Auto-Reply message, tap “Auto-Reply To” in the “Do Not Disturb” options.

Why does my phone not ring when locked?

Most of the time, the reason an iPhone isn’t ringing for incoming calls is that the user has accidentally turned on the Do Not Disturb feature in Settings. Do Not Disturb silences calls, alerts, and notifications on your iPhone.

How do I get my phone to ring when locked?

Those settings (Always and Only while iPhone is locked) only apply when Do Not Disturb is turned on (either Manual or Scheduled). Your phone will ring (and/or vibrate) when locked if you don’t have Do Not Disturb turned on unless prevented by the Ring/Silent switch and its related settings.

How do I make my iPhone not silence when locked?

To do so, open the Settings app, scroll down, and tap the “Sounds & Haptics” option. On iPads and older iPhones, tap the “Sounds” option instead. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and locate the “Lock Sound” option. Tap the switch to the right of it to toggle lock sounds off.