Users questions

Are crickets from PetSmart safe?

Are crickets from PetSmart safe?

They’re fine. Ts will readily eat them. I think crickets are generally a pain to deal with. They always try to jump down my shirt when I cup them up to put in the T cages.

How long will a cricket live?

about ninety days

Can I keep crickets outside?

During warm weather, house crickets are quite comfortable outdoors, feasting on plants, garbage, and bugs. But when temperatures drop, they may move indoors, preferring warm, moist environments—where they can survive indefinitely.

Can crickets stay in bearded dragon cage?

You should NEVER leave crickets in your bearded dragon’s cage. It means you might need to change your feeding practices (we’ll offer an alternative) or that you need to carve out extra time at dinner, but it’s for the safety of your beardie. Little insects can cause BIG problems.

Can I feed my bearded dragon worms from outside?

Bearded dragons can eat earthworms, although not all of them will enjoy the taste. However, it is important that you do not feed your bearded dragon earthworms your find outside. They could be carrying parasites or harmful chemicals, such as herbicides or pesticides.

Can Beardies eat worms?

Earthworms. Earthworms are not a very popular feeder item for bearded dragons, but are a good source of calcium and moisture. Offer earthworms occasionally to vary the diet and mix things up a bit.

Can Beardies eat earth worms?

It is safe to feed earthworms to both juvenile and adult earthworms to Bearded Dragons. It’s probably best to feed them as a treat, rather than as a core part of their diet. This is because of their high moisture content and low nutritional value.

Can Beardies Eat Night crawlers?

I wouldn’t feed anything from the yard, night crawlers won’t necessarily hurt the dragon, red wigglers might not be a good choice regardless. However if your neighbors spray then there is a risk, pesticides are nothing you want to risk messing with.

What temperature is too cold for a bearded dragon?

During the day a bearded dragon will like a temperature of around 95F (35C) but at night time, you only really need to worry if the temperature drops to around 65F (18C). Shaune said: “If your house is cold of a night, especially if you live in a cottage for example, it may be too cold for your bearded dragon.