Are allergies disqualifying military service?

Are allergies disqualifying military service?

Military service can place members in remote locations with limited food and healthcare options. For this reason, a history of systemic allergic reaction to food or food additives is a disqualifying medical condition for individuals seeking to join the military.

Can you take allergy medicine in the military?

(1) Current allergic rhinitis (477.0), due to pollen (477.8) or due to other allergen or cause unspecified (477.9), if not controlled by oral medication or topical corticosteroid medication, is disqualifying. History of allergic rhinitis immunotherapy within the previous year is disqualifying.

Can you join the military with nut allergies?

If you have a current diagnosis of anaphylactic allergy to nuts or other foods and you really are allergic to these, you cannot join up. If you are allergic to wasp or bee stings you may be eligible but only if you have been desensitised and no longer need to carry an adrenaline auto injector (AAI).

What medical conditions prevent you from being drafted?

(1) Active, subacute, or chronic arthritis. (2) Chronic osteoarthritis or traumatic arthritis of isolated joints of more than a minimal degree, which has interfered with the following of a physically active vocation in civilian life or that prevents the satisfactory performance of military duty.

Who is exempt from military service?

Where there are a father and sons in the same household, and two of them are in the military service of the United States as non-commissioned officers, musicians or privates, the residue of such family and household, not exceeding two, shall be exempt, and no persons but such as are herein exempted shall be exempt: …

When Will Jin BTS enlist?


Can you refuse military service?

A conscientious objector is an “individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service” on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion. In some countries, conscientious objectors are assigned to an alternative civilian service as a substitute for conscription or military service.