
Why does puck say what fools these mortals be?

Why does puck say what fools these mortals be?

Puck says, “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” in response to the way Lysander is trailing Helena, begging for her love because Puck put the love potion meant for Demetrius in Lysander’s eyes by mistake in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Shall we their fond pageant see ?/ Lord what fools these mortals be?

Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be! Helena is nearby, boss. The young man who I mistook for this one is there too, begging her to love him.

What fools these mortals be Seneca?

Nemo sine vitio est. What fools these mortals be! Tanta stultitia mortalium est. No one is able to rule unless he is also able to be ruled.

What fools these mortals be wrote crossword?

what fools these mortals be writer
“What fools these mortals be” writer
Graduate takes on pupils, having aim to be writer (9)

What fools these mortals quote?

Save This Word! A line from the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare. A mischievous fairy, Puck, addressing his king, is commenting on the folly of the human beings who have come into his forest.

What mistake does puck make?

What mistake does Puck make? He squirts the juice on the wrong man.

Who said it’s not enough to speak but speak true?


What does bottom notice about his appearance and appetite that signal he had the head of a donkey?

What does Bottom notice about his appearance and appetite that signal he had the head of a donkey? His face starts to itch because it is so hairy and he becomes hungry for oats and hay.

What is ironic about Nick Bottom’s name?

Hover for more information. Bottom is transformed into a person with an ass’s head, but he is also transformed into the love object of Titania, Queen of the Fairies. This is ironic, the opposite of what we would expect, because Bottom is a lower-class weaver.