
Why did my phone charger randomly stop working?

Why did my phone charger randomly stop working?

Often the issue is the small metal connector in the USB port, which may be slightly bent in a way that means it doesn’t make proper contact with the charging cable. To fix this, switch your phone off, and remove the battery if you can. Another possible issue could be something inside the USB port, like pocket lint.

Why are all my iPhone Chargers breaking?

Sometimes you’ll be able to see the damage on the cable, with exposed or frayed wires near the connection port. These issues are usually due to constant yanking, twisting and bending of the charging cable. If your iPhone charger isn’t Apple-certified and it keeps breaking, that’s because it’s of cheap quality.

Does Apple replace Lightning cables for free?

No. Apple won’t replace a damaged charging cable. But before going out to an Apple Store to buy, yet, another charging cable from Apple, look for better quality charging cables at local electronics stores that carry Apple products OR look online from Amazon for thicker, better quality cables.

Can your phone breaks Chargers?

There is physically no way for a device to destroy a cable. Also the usb plug has pins that are tiny pieces of copper and can be bent or broken if forced upon a phone port incorrectly.

Are car chargers bad for your phone?

Avoid Degrading Your Cell Phone’s Battery Yes, you can have too much of a good thing. This advice holds true for the regular chargers you’d use as well as car phone chargers: Don’t leave your iPhone or Android plugged in longer than they have to be, or you’ll end up seriously shortening your battery life.

Why does my phone only charge at an angle?

Why your Apple device charges at an angle The most common reason why this is going to happen is that the charging port inside your iPhone or Pad is dirty this can be due to dirt or pocket lint filling up the charging port ensuring the charger cannot establish a proper connection.

What do you do when your phone charger breaks?


  1. I found a great way to “pick” out the broken charger tip.
  2. I put a bit of Crazy Glue on the cable side, put the tip and the cable together, waited for it to dry (like a minute or so), then pulled it out with no problems.
  3. You can take the device to some third party trusted local service center.

How do you get a broken charger to work?

The easiest way to fix a broken charger is by using heat shrink tubing and a heat gun. It only takes a few minutes and anyone can get this to look really nice! You will want to make sure you choose the right type of heat shrink tubing though.

Why do longer Chargers stop working?

iPhone chargers mainly stop working due to being old and worn out after several usage throughout time. Sometimes they can even stop working due to strain on the plastic outer layer and cause the wires to be exposed and easily susceptible to damage.

Can you fix a lightning cable?

It’s best to just toss out any damaged cables and buy new replacements. You can get a basic Lightning cable for $6-$7 on Amazon, or a new microUSB cable for even cheaper. You can sometimes even get a free replacement cable if yours breaks or becomes damaged in any way.