
Who is the one eyed man in Crispin?

Who is the one eyed man in Crispin?

John Aycliffe

Why is Crispin declared a wolf’s head?

Accused of a crime he did not commit, he has been declared a “wolf’s head.” That means he may be killed on sight, by anyone. If he wishes to remain alive, he must flee his tiny village. All the boy takes with him is a newly revealed name—Crispin—and his mother’s cross of lead.

What does it mean to be declared a wolf’s head?

Caput lupinum

How old is Crispin in the book?


What genre is Crispin the Cross of Lead?

Young adult fiction

Why does Crispin disobey bear and leave him?

Why did Crispin disobey Bear and leave the Green Man Tavern? He wanted to explore Great Wexly.

How did Aycliffe die?

Bear kills John in a fight and Crispin rejects his noble blood by throwing his cross of lead on John Aycliffe’s dead body. They leave the city as free men. Crispin knows his name Crispin with all his heart, but this name and his companion will bring him into great danger again.

What did Father Quinel give Asta’s son?

Father Quinel tells Asta’s son he must leave or Aycliffe will kill him. He has two options. He can join the church, but since he doesn’t have the fees to pay for his entry into a religious order, he really has only one option.

Who wrote Crispin the Cross of Lead?


Where does Crispin the Cross of Lead take place?


Where does Crispin manage to lose the steward and his men?

winding streets

What does Crispin observe about the one eyed man in Lodgecot?

What does Crispin observe about the one-eyed man in Lodgecot? That he is watching Crispin and he is very suspicious.

Why does bear cut crispins hair and ask him to wash his face then look at his reflection?

Terms in this set (21) Why does Bear cut Crispins hair and and ask him to wash his face, then look at his reflection? So Crispin can see what he really looks like and so nobody will reconize him as well.

How did Bear and Crispin enter Great Wexly?

With a bounty on his head, Crispin cannot simply walk into Great Wexley. He tells Crispin to take out his flute and play a diddy. Dancing joyfully along to the music, Bear attracts the crowd over to him. They start cheering and laughing along as they enjoy the impromptu show.

Where did Crispin meet bear?

Aycliffe then sends a boy, Cerdic, to lead Crispin into an ambush, forcing Crispin to flee the village by himself. While fleeing from Aycliffe and his men, Crispin comes across an abandoned village, vanquished by the Black Death, where he meets Orson Hrothgar, but people call him Bear, because of his body and strength.

What did bear teach Crispin?

Bear teaches Crispin how to use a dagger.

What does bear look like in Crispin?

Bear is a huge and red-bearded wandering juggler. As such, he is a masterless man: he owes allegiance to no one and earns his own income where and how he wants – very unusual for the time. Crispin describes Bear as a monstrous man with massive hands, but Bear is not only physically large.

What happens at the end of Crispin?

Having at last escaped the evil John Aycliffe, Crispin and Bear leave Great Wexly to the sound of their own music and singing. Having defeated Aycliffe, Crispin is full of joy and declares that he has found both his soul and his name.

Why does bear agree for Crispin?

Bear only helps Crispin as their journey continues and he learns more about Crispin’s life and makes some deductions, but even then he deliberately keeps Crispin in the dark about his identity for his own protection.

What is Bear’s real name in Crispin?

Bear (real name: Orson Hrothgar): A juggler by trade, his true purpose is to gauge the possibility of a successful revolt and act as eyes and ears for John Ball and other reformers. Crispin: Thirteen-year-old son of Asta, a cottar.

What does Crispin witness John Aycliffe do in the forest one night?

What does Crispin witness John Aycliffe doing in the forest one night? Crispin watches as a stranger passes Aycliffe a mysterious document. Crispin is labeled a “wolf’s head” because John Aycliffe declared him as that, and because it means anyone may kill him, which is why they burned his house.

Who is Peregrine in Crispin good wife?

In the story, Goodwife Peregrine is Stromford’s village hag and is known for her midwifery, magic, and healing skills. She tells Crispin that many are hunting him because the steward has offered twenty shillings to anyone who can kill him.

How is the inside of the palace different from anything Crispin has ever seen?

For best results enter two or more search terms….crispin.

Question Answer
how is the inside of the palace differ from anything crispin has evr seen he has never seen so much jewerly and so many rooms full of food
who does crispin see in the pictire in the palace he realized he was looking at his father

What does widow Daventry tell Crispin about Bear?

What does Bear tell Widow Daventry about Crispin? He tells her that she found Crispin in an abandoned village and that god had let Crispin find each other. And that he is an orphan. And that his Bear’s apprentice.

What was Bear studying before becoming a mummer?

4. Bear was studying to become a priest before he decided to become a mummer instead. This keeps him from the gallows because priests cannot be hanged, and all who can read are treated as priests.