Which of the following is good oxidant?

Which of the following is good oxidant?

Halogens, peroxide and oxygen are good oxidizing agents. The strongest elemental oxidizing agent is fluorine because of its high electronegativity.

Which is the best oxidant?

The strongest oxidant in the table is F2, with a standard electrode potential of 2.87 V. This high value is consistent with the high electronegativity of fluorine and tells us that fluorine has a stronger tendency to accept electrons (it is a stronger oxidant) than any other element.

What types of elements tend to be good oxidizing agents?

Atoms, ions, and molecules that have an unusually large affinity for electrons tend to be good oxidizing agents. Elemental fluorine, for example, is the strongest common oxidizing agent. F2 is such a good oxidizing agent that metals, quartz, asbestos, and even water burst into flame in its presence.

Which one of the following is the best oxidizing agent?

The strongest oxidizing agent is fluorine with the largest positive number for standard electrode potential.

Which is the oxidant?

In chemistry, an oxidizing agent (oxidant, oxidizer), or oxidising agent (oxidiser) is a substance that has the ability to oxidize other substances — in other words to accept their electrons. Common oxidizing agents are oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and the halogens.

What is oxidant used for?

An oxidant is a reactant that oxidizes or removes electrons from other reactants during a redox reaction. An oxidant may also be called an oxidizer or oxidizing agent. When the oxidant includes oxygen, it may be called an oxygenation reagent or oxygen-atom transfer (OT) agent.

What is oxidant in body?

Oxidants are reactive molecules that are produced both inside your body and the environment that can react with other cellular molecules in your body such as protein, DNA and lipids. When it does that, it damages molecules and it’s what causes disease and inflammation.