
Where is Romy Schneider buried?

Where is Romy Schneider buried?

Boissy-sans-Avoir Cemetery, Boissy-sans-Avoir
Romy Schneider/Place of burial

Is Romy Schneider French?

listen); born Rosemarie Magdalena Albach; 23 September 1938 – 29 May 1982) was a German-French actress. …

Is Romy Schneider dead?

Deceased (1938–1982)
Romy Schneider/Living or Deceased

Where is Romy Schneider from?

Vienna, Austria
Romy Schneider/Place of birth

Did Romy Schneider speak English?

Schneider is speaking english at a spanking pace, bubbling out in a dynamic way.

Who did Romy Schneider marry?

Daniel Biasinim. 1975–1981
Harry Meyenm. 1966–1975
Romy Schneider/Spouse

How old was Romy Schneider when she played Sissi?

Romy Schneider was born on 23 September 1938 in Vienna, Austria into a family of actors. Making her film debut at the age of 15, her breakthrough came two years later in the very popular trilogy Sissi (1955).

What happened to Romy Schneider’s son?

PARIS — The son of actress Romy Schneider was killed Sunday when he climbed to the top of a wrought-iron gate and slipped, fell and was impaled on the spikes of a fence below.

What did Romy Schneider died of?

7th arrondissement
Romy Schneider/Place of death

How old was Romy Schneider when she died?

The actress Romy Schneider was found dead today in the Paris apartment where she lived. She was 43 years old. Authorities said the Austrian-born actress had died of natural causes.

Where to find a grave for Romy Schneider?

Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed ), memorial page for Romy Schneider (23 Sep 1938–29 May 1982), Find A Grave Memorial no. 6974966, citing Cemetery at Boissy-sans-Avoir, Boissy-sans-Avoir, Departement des Yvelines, Île-de-France, France ; Maintained by Find A Grave .

Who are the parents of Romy Schneider the actress?

Miss Schneider was born into a theatrical family. Her parents were Wolf Albach-Retty, a famous Austrian actor, and Magda Schneider, a renowned German singing star of more than 60 films. ”Romy” is a contraction of Rose-Marie.

How did Romy Schneider’s son Meyen die?

But Meyen committed suicide, and their son died in an accident in 1981. Schneider became increasingly addicted to alcohol and tranquilizers. According to her biographers she was torn between her fame, her will to succeed and her longing for a normal life.