
Where do baby stars come from?

Where do baby stars come from?

Like people, stars are born, they grow old and they die. Their birth places are huge, cold clouds of gas and dust, known as ‘nebulas’. The most famous of these is the Orion nebula, which is just visible with the unaided eye. These clouds start to shrink under their own gravity.

What type of matter does a star form from?

Stars form from an accumulation of gas and dust, which collapses due to gravity and starts to form stars. The process of star formation takes around a million years from the time the initial gas cloud starts to collapse until the star is created and shines like the Sun.

What are star nurseries?

Star formation is the process by which dense regions within molecular clouds in interstellar space, sometimes referred to as “stellar nurseries” or “star-forming regions”, collapse and form stars. Most stars do not form in isolation but as part of a group of stars referred as star clusters or stellar associations.

Where do nebula come from?

A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae (more than one nebula) come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova. Other nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form. For this reason, some nebulae are called “star nurseries.”

What did nebula look like before Thanos?

Her first appearance was in Avengers #257 in 1985, and she looked very different than how most Marvel fans think of her now. Instead of her bald head and metal plates, Nebula had long hair and smooth skin. She hadn’t yet undergone most of the cybernetic enhancements that she has in the comics (and the movies).

How many stars can a nebula produce?

700 stars

What is the difference between a nebula and a star?

As nouns the difference between star and nebula is that star is any small luminous dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots while nebula is (astronomy) a cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust (eg a cloud formed after a star explodes).

What are the 4 stages of a star?

Stars about the size of our sun go through the same first four stages as does any other star. They begin their lives as a nebula, then become a Protostar, eventually becoming a main sequence star and finally a red giant.