
When you are walking on thin ice you might as well dance?

When you are walking on thin ice you might as well dance?

“If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance” is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images . The saying means that if you’re on thin ice (in a difficult situation, against dangerous odds), you might as well dance (have fun).

What does the idiom walking on thin ice mean?

phrase. If you say that someone is on thin ice or is skating on thin ice, you mean that they are doing something risky that may have serious or unpleasant consequences.

What does walking on ice mean?

(skating / treading / walking) on thin ice: 1. in a dangerous position where you could fall or have an unfavorable result; 2) in a risky or uncertain situation. If you walk, tread or skate on thin ice there is a good chance that you might fall through the ice and into the freezing cold water.

What does the dead of winter mean?

: the middle of the winter He left in the dead of winter.

What month is the dead of winter?


What do you say when it’s cold?

1. It’s cold (as ice/f*ck/…) This is the typical expression to say you’re feeling cold. You can also say “I’m cold”, obviously, or “It’s biting cold!”, meaning that it’s really cold.

What is a warm personality?

A warm person is friendly and shows a lot of affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour. warmly adverb [ADVERB with verb]

How do you stay warm in the winter?

Follow these simple tips to keep warm and safe this winter.

  1. Wrap up warm. Dress in layers and wear a hat, gloves and scarf.
  2. Keep the cold out.
  3. Don’t use alcohol to keep warm.
  4. Check your heating.
  5. Maintain the temperature.
  6. Have warming food and drinks.
  7. Stay active.
  8. Check what support you can get.

How do you stay COSY in the winter?

Here’s a dozen tips to stay cozy this winter:

  1. Focus on the Feet. The first thing you should do to keep your body warm is to make sure no heat escapes through your feet.
  2. Turn on the Fan.
  3. Get the Right PJ’s.
  4. Use a Hot Water Bottle.
  5. Sleep in Layers.
  6. Block Drafts from Doors.
  7. Drink Up.
  8. Program Your Thermostat.

What is a cozy place?

1 adj A house or room that is cosy is comfortable and warm. (=homely) Downstairs there’s a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar. ♦ cosily adv.

What makes home comfortable?

From the bed to the outdoors, investing in good pillows is one way to make the home feel more relaxing. The pillows should be different. There are pillows like you would have on a bed, pillows that are long, throw pillows for a couch or love seat, and even pillows that sit at an angle so you can watch movies.

How can I make my room feel more cozy?

20 Cozy Bedroom Ideas That Will Make You Want to Stay in Bed All Day

  1. Add Touches of Wood.
  2. Create Ambiance with Lighting.
  3. Choose a Dramatic Bed.
  4. Go for Calming Colors and Natural Materials.
  5. Add Area Rugs.
  6. Cover the Windows.
  7. Shut Out Tech.
  8. Remember That Minimal Doesn’t Mean Boring.