
What would you do if you had an extra hour?

What would you do if you had an extra hour?

101 things to do with an extra hour

  1. Take a much-needed, well-deserved nap.
  2. Discover your om: Catch a yoga class.
  3. Take a hot bubble bath.
  4. Enjoy one hour of uninterrupted time with your spouse or significant other.
  5. Grocery shop without kids begging you to buy every sugary snack.
  6. Catch up on all the adult shows that fill your DVR.

What can you do with 2 hours of free time?

Rather than letting that hour go to waste, here are some things you can do to make the most of your extra hour this weekend.

  • Sleep.
  • Read.
  • Have sex.
  • Clean.
  • Play Candy Crush/ Angry Birds/ game of the month.
  • Organize your fridge.
  • Give yourself a mani-pedi.
  • Watch an episode of your favorite show.

What do do with a friend for an hour?

11 Best Ways to Spend an Hour with a Friend

  1. Strengthen your bond, body, and brain with fun activities that go beyond meeting for coffee.
  2. Explore the Outdoors on a Long Walk.
  3. Start a Book Club.
  4. Join a Community Choir.
  5. Sign Up for an Art Class.
  6. Make a Home-Cooked Meal Together.
  7. Sign Up for a SilverSneakers Class.
  8. Rent Bikes for an Afternoon.

What should I do with my friends tonight?

30 Fun Things To Do With Friends Without Spending Much

  • A potluck dinner party. Host a dinner party and ask everyone to bring a dish to share.
  • Host a spa day. Give each other manicures.
  • Movie marathon.
  • Pinterest party!
  • Go to the park.
  • Have an organization party.
  • Hold a yard sale.
  • Concerts in the park.

What do 11 year olds do at home with friends?

101 exciting things to do with kids ages 9-12

  1. Set up easels and paint pictures outdoors.
  2. Visit your local science museum.
  3. Learn how to knot friendship bracelets.
  4. Go to a coffee shop and write poetry.
  5. Put on an impromptu play.
  6. Put together a scavenger hunt.
  7. Bake a loaf of homemade bread.
  8. Build and launch a model rocket.

What are some jobs a 13 year old could do?

List of 13 great jobs for 13-year-olds

  • Babysitter. Babysitting is a fantastic job for 13-year-olds.
  • Lawn mower or gardener. If your 13-year-old loves spending time outside, working as a lawn mower or gardener is a fantastic option.
  • Dog walker.
  • House or pet sitter.
  • Tutor.
  • Car washer.
  • Junior camp counselor.
  • Newspaper deliverer.

What jobs can u do at 12?

There are plenty of part time jobs for 12 year olds, again you might want to consider acting, modelling, gardening, jobs for your parents, or washing and cleaning cars.

Can a 12 year old do a paper round?

Generally, if you’re under 13, you can only get a job in special circumstances. Once you reach the age of 13, you can do light work. This means that you can’t do any job that may affect your health and safety or interfere with your education. You can, for example, do a paper round.