
What word can I use instead of according to?

What word can I use instead of according to?

Here are synonyms for “according to” and other similar words that you can use instead.

  • As per.
  • As reported by.
  • As stated in.
  • Based on.
  • Conforming to.
  • In accordance with.
  • In agreement with.
  • In consonance with.

What is another phrase for according to?

What is another word for according to?

as per as specified by
in conformity with in keeping with
in line with accordant with
commensurate with conforming to
consistent with following

What is the root word for wander?

The Latin root word err means “wander” or “make a mistake,” which is a “wandering” from the correct answer. This Latin root is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including errant and erratic.

What is passive scavenging?

Scavenging may be active (suction applied) or passive (waste gases proceed passively down corrugated tubing through the room ventilation exhaust grill of the OR). Active systems require a means to protect the patient’s airway from the application of suction, or buildup of positive pressure.

What is WAGD gas?

WAGD (Waste Anesthesia Gas Disposal) Interface. A WAGD outlet is a high volume and pressure suction outlet. In order to be used for gas scavenging for an anesthesia machine, this pressure needs to be stepped down via a WAGD interface. It is mounted on the anesthesia machine pole.

What is a nitrous oxide scavenger system?

“A Scavenging system, simply defined, is a means to collect and remove excess gases to prevent them from being vented back into the operating room. Installation of an efficient scavenging system is the most important step in reducing trace gas concentrations.

What is a scavenging mask?

(a) Identification. A scavenging mask is a device positioned over a patient’s nose to deliver anesthetic or analgesic gases to the upper airway and to remove excess and exhaled gas. It is usually used during dentistry.

How do you disinfect nitrous oxide lines?

Wash with a mild detergent & warm water. Ultrasonic or Instrument Washers can be used to clean and prepare.

How do you clean nitrous hoses?

After disinfection, items require thorough rinsing with sterile or filtered water to remove any residual chemical residues. The spiral vacuum tubing and the exterior of the vacuum gauge are cleaned only with a mild detergent and warm water.

Are nitrous hoses autoclavable?

Dry time 30 mins. Matrx ANS) Autoclavable Nitrous Scavenger System: The manual states that ‘Most A.N.S. components are autoclavable.