
What strong toenails mean?

What strong toenails mean?

Toenails that have grown thicker over time likely indicate a fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis. Left untreated, thick toenails can become painful. Prompt treatment is key to curing the nail fungus. Fungal infections can be difficult to cure and may require months of treatment.

Why are my toenails so much stronger than my fingernails?

“Friction and fungus thicken toenails. They’re made from the same dead skin tissue as fingernails but are two to three times thicker. Nail fungus is another culprit, affecting 30 million Americans. The fungus destroys the protective outer layer of nails (the keratin) and causes the nail to go into overproduction.

Do toenails grow faster as you get older?

The growth rate for fingernails and toenails slows considerably with age. The average adult’s fingernails grow about 3 mm per month, while a child’s nails grow faster, a senior’s nails grow slower. Fingernails grow faster than toenails, about four times faster.

Why are my toenails curving?

Nails that curve far inward at the sides are called ingrown nails. This condition may affect the toenails and be due to wearing shoes that are too tight, particularly in the toe box. Ingrown nails may also result from cutting the nails improperly. In some cases, treatment may involve removing part or all of the nail.

How can I make my curved toenails grow straight?

Clean underneath your toenails every week and file your nails after cutting them. Consider all the causes of curved toenails above and stay away from them as much as possible then your toenails will grow straight.

How do you get rid of curved toenails?

The most important thing you can do is trim your toenails using a strong, sharp nail clipper. Cut each toenail to the point where it begins to curve upward. Cut the nail straight across without cutting the edges inward. It’s also important to leave the nail a little long to prevent it from growing inward.

How do I stop my natural nails from curling?

Biotin Supplement to Prevent Curling of Nails. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it is light and safe to use. This supplement is used for hair regrowth as well. It has been proven to tackle curling nails.