What is the oxidizing agent in this reaction?

What is the oxidizing agent in this reaction?

The oxidizing agent is the substance being reduced, where it gains electrons and causes the oxidation of the other substance. Oxygen is typically an oxidizing agent. The Oxidizing agent will be the substance with the highest electronegativity that shows an increase in the negative value of its oxidation number.

Which substance is the oxidizing agent?

Common oxidizing agents are oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and the halogens. In one sense, an oxidizing agent is a chemical species that undergoes a chemical reaction in which it gains one or more electrons. In that sense, it is one component in an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction.

Which substance is the oxidizing agent in this reaction ZnO C → Zn Cozno C → Zn Co Express your answer as a chemical formula?

Thus, Zn is the oxidizing agent.

Which substance is the reducing agent in this reaction ZnO C → Zn Co?

ZnO + C Zn + CO↑ Zinc oxide gives oxygen to carbon. It is oxidation of carbon and reduction of Zinc oxide. Carbon is a reducing agent and zinc oxide is an oxidising agent.

What type of reaction is ZnO C Zn Co?

Answer. This is an example of Redox reaction in which both the oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously. A substance which leaves oxygen is called reduced or oxidising agent. The substance which gains oxygen is called oxidized or reducing agent.

Which statement about the reaction is ZnO Co?

Answer. zno has lost oxygen so it has reduced. and co is oxidised.

Which is better oxidising agent for the reduction of ZnO?

Coke is definitely the better reducing agent for the reduction of zinc oxide (ZnO) than carbon monoxide (CO). The Gibbs free energy of formation becomes lower at temperatures above 1273 K, for CO2 from C. In case of CO2 from CO, the Gibbs free energy of formation is always higher than ZnO.

When zinc is treated with aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide?

Zinc reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide to form sodium zincate and hydrogen gas. The reaction takes place at a temperature of 550∘C. This compound is possible because Zn is capable of displacing Hydrogen from both acids and bases and therefore is called an Amphoteric metal and its oxide is an Amphoteric oxide.

What is the product of Zn NaOH?

sodium zincate

What happens when zinc granules are treated with dilute solution of h2so4?

Answer: Hydrogen gas and zinc sulphate are formed when zinc granules are treated with sulphuric acid. Zinc chloride and hydrogen gas are formed, when zinc granules are treated with hydrochloric acid.

How do acid and bases react with metals?

In general, acids react with metals to give salt and release hydrogen gas. In general, bases do not react with metals and release hydrogen gas.

What happens when Aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Answer. When aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide sodium it gives aluminate salt and hydrogen gas. The metal aluminium is amphoteric in nature, and reacts both with the acid and the base.

Do non metals react with bases?

All the metals do not react with bases to form salt and hydrogen. Some non-metals react with bases but no hydrogen gas is produced. Some metals are chemically very reactive whereas other metals are less reactive or un reactive.

What happens when a non-metal reacts with base?

Reactions of non-metal with bases They react with bases to form salt.

Why bases do not react with all metals?

Most metals do not react with bases but zinc metal does because it is amphoteric. When sodium hydroxide solution is heated with zinc, then sodium zincate and hydrogen gas are formed. Metals like aluminium and zinc react with bases to produce hydrogen but not all the metals react with bases to form hydrogen gas.

Why metals do not react with bases?

Metals have 2,3 electrons in their valence shell. They readily donate electrons to the combining atom. A base is an electron pair donor. Both the metal and the base tend to give up electrons, and no preferred direction for the electrons to go, no reaction occurs.

Is metals are acidic or basic?

Metallic oxides are basic and non-metallic oxides are acidic.