What is the formal charge on carbon in the thiocyanate ion SCN?
What is the formal charge on carbon in the thiocyanate ion SCN?
Therefore, the resonance structure that contributes most to the stability of the thiocyanate ion, SCN– is: The formal charges are: S = 0; C = 0; and N = –1.
What is the formal charge on the nitrogen atom in the best Lewis structure for SCN?
a -1 charge
Why is CO A stronger ligand than CL −?
The strength of a ligand is determined by the amount of crystal filed energy. Since, CO causes more crystal field splitting than Cl- , it has more crystal field energy and thus is a stronger ligand than Cl -….
IS NO+ A PI acid ligand?
When NO ligand binds to a metal centre, if NO donates an e- to M from its pi* orbital, it will become NO+. This NO+ is a good pi-acceptor ligand, and there is back-pi-bonding from M….
Is c2h4 a PI acid ligand?
CO has strong M→L π-bonding ability so it can accept electron pairs from metal ion so it is a π-acid ligand. Step by step solution by experts to help you in doubt clearance & scoring excellent marks in exams. Why NH3 form coordinate complex, while the isoelectronic species CH4 does not ….
Is no a pi-acceptor ligand?
3 Answers. Like PR3, NH3 or NR3 are π-acceptor ligands because they have an unoccupied σ* orbital, which can accept electrons from the metal’s d-orbitals. For both phosphine and ammona, there is a backbonding nM⟶σ∗N/P interaction. H− is 1s2, so it has no low-energy p-orbitals to π-bond with.
Which of the following is π acceptor ligand?
As CO,CN−andNO+ all contains double bond and after donating electron they become electron deficient so they get electron from metal through backbonding in their π orbitals so they all are π acceptors.
Is water a pi acceptor ligand?
It depends on how good a pi-bond donor or acceptor they are. OH is a better pi-bond donor (but only slightly), making it a lower/weaker field ligand, while H2O is neither a good pi-donor, nor a good pi-acceptor, putting it in the middle.
Is H2O a sigma donor?
o H2O is strong σ-donor and weak π-donor ligand, hence it is often classed as a σ-donor ligand.