What is the equivalent weight of H3PO2?

What is the equivalent weight of H3PO2?

Hence, the equivalence mass of H3PO2 in the disproportionation reaction is, Equivalent massChange in the oxidation numberFormula mass=4M. Was this answer helpful?

What is the equivalent weight of mgco3?

Magnesium carbonate

PubChem CID 11029
Molecular Formula MgCO3 or CMgO3
Synonyms MAGNESIUM CARBONATE 546-93-0 Magnesite Carbonic acid, magnesium salt (1:1) Carbonic acid, magnesium salt More…
Molecular Weight 84.31 g/mol
Parent Compound CID 767 (Carbonic acid)

Why is hardness expressed in CaCO3?

For water hardness levels, we measure parts per million of minerals including calcium carbonate (CACO3) in the water. Calcium carbonate is the compound in hard water that causes limescale build-up. Soft water typically has less than 50 ppm of calcium carbonate. Hard water has over 200ppm.

How do you calculate ppm of CaCO3?

For example, ppm total hardness as CaCO3 minus ppm calcium as CaCO3 equals ppm magnesium as CaCO3. However, ppm magnesium as Mg2+ equals 12.2 (magnesium equivalent weight) divided by 50.0 (CaCO3 equivalent weight) times the ppm magnesium as CaCO3.

How do you find the volume of EDTA?

One way to calculate the result is shown:

  1. Mass of. Calcium. (mg) =Volume. EDTA (L)× Molarity. EDTA (mol / L) × 1 mol Calcium. 1 mol EDTA. ×
  2. Percentage. Magnesium. (% w / w) = Volume. EDTA (L)× Molarity. EDTA (mol / L) × 1 mol Magnesium.
  3. Calcium. Carbonate. (mg / L) =Volume. EDTA (L)× Molarity. EDTA (mol / L) × 1 mol CaCO3. 1 mol EDTA. ×

How do you determine the hardness of water in ppm CaCO3?

∴1L (1000ml) of given hard water = mg of CaCO3 eq. Total Hardness of water = 1000 V2/V1 mg/l = 1000 V2/V1 ppm.

How do you calculate the hardness of CaCO3?

It is calculated using Eq (2c): NCH (mg/L) = Total hardness-Carbonate hardness (2c) Page 2 Page 2 Determination of Hardness: Hardness is expressed as mg/L CaCO3.

What is the formula of hardness of water?

From the difference we get: NCH = 0.81 meq/L. There is no pseudo hardness (PsH=0). The total hardness is determined by the sum of Ca and Mg: TH = (2×1.40 + 2×0.23) meq/L = 3.26 meq/L – as presented in the diagram above….Alternative Interpretation.

T 10 °C
Mg 0.23 mM
Na 0.30 mM
K 0.05 mM
Cl 0.25 mM

How do I calculate water hardness?

It takes 17.1 PPM to equal 1 GPG. If a test for hard water is measured in parts per million or milligrams per liter you can take the total hardness level and divide it by 17.1 to get hardness in grains per gallon. For example if your water test shows 250 mg/L hardness you actually have 14.62 grains per gallon.