
What is the biggest water problem facing California?

What is the biggest water problem facing California?

California’s Water Supply The demand for water is highest during the dry summer months when there is little natural precipitation or snowmelt. California’s capricious climate also leads to extended periods of drought and major floods.

How bad was the California drought?

The drought killed 102 million trees from 2011 to 2016, with 62 million killed in 2016 alone. The cause of the drought is attributed to a ridge of high pressure in the Pacific Sea — the “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” — which often barred powerful winter storms from reaching the state.

Why does California have so many droughts?

California has one of the most variable climates of any U.S. state, and often experiences very wet years followed by extremely dry ones. The state’s reservoirs have insufficient capacity to balance the water supply between wet and dry years.

What caused the 2011 California drought?

A report by the NOAA Drought Task Force says that atmospheric conditions were key to explaining this drought. During the winters of 2011-2014, a high pressure ridge off the West Coast blocked storms bringing the needed precipitation to California during the wet season.

How common are droughts in California?

Data from the United States Drought Monitor by region, county and location shows how most of California has experienced some level of drought conditions — from D-1 moderate to D-4 extreme — roughly 80% of the time since 2000.

What factors cause a drought?

When rainfall is less than normal for a period of weeks to years, streamflows decline, water levels in lakes and reservoirs fall, and the depth to water in wells increases. If dry weather persists and water-supply problems develop, the dry period can become a drought.

What years was California in a drought?

California is no stranger to drought; it is a recurring feature of our climate. We recently experienced the 5-year event of 2012-2016, and other notable historical droughts included 2007-09, 1987-92, 1976-77, and off-and-on dry conditions spanning more than a decade in the 1920s and 1930s.

What has California done to help the drought?

Install low-flow showerheads and save 2.5-15 gallons of water during a 10-minute shower. Take five-minute showers instead of 10-minute showers and save 12.5-25 gallons of water. Nearly 22 percent of indoor home water use comes from doing laundry, save water by using it for full loads only.

What can be done to prevent droughts?

Being mindful of the amount of water you use each day can be a powerful way to prevent droughts. Turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, watering your garden early in the morning so less water evaporates, and installing low-flow plumbing fixtures all are good ways to prevent wasted water.

How does the California drought affect us?

Wildlife: While much of the wildlife in California can weather temporary dry conditions, a prolonged drought can lead to increased mortality and reduced reproduction. Drought is an additional stressor affecting endangered species already burdened by habitat loss, invasive species, and other conservation problems.