What is required for work to be done on an object?

What is required for work to be done on an object?

In order for a force to qualify as having done work on an object, there must be a displacement and the force must cause the displacement.

When work is being done on an object?

Terms in this set (51) When is work done on an object? Work is done on an object when a force causes a displacement of the object. Work is the product of the component of a force along the direction of displacement and the magnitude of the displacement.

What is an example of work being done on an object?

For something to be considered work, the force you apply and the distance you apply must be in the same direction. Examples: Pushing a car horizontally from rest; shooting a bullet (the powder does the work); walking up stairs; sawing a log.

What is the difference between work done on an object and work done by an object?

What is the difference between work done on an object and work done by an object? That something else is the system doing positive work. In the same process negative work is done on the first system, and work is cited as the means through which energy was exchanged.

Is work done on system positive or negative?

In chemistry, the convention is that anything going out of the system is negative and anything coming into the system is positive. If your system is a gas in a piston, work is being done on the system when it is being compressed, so the work done on the system is positive, and the work done by the system is negative.

What is consumed when work is done on system?

Work changes the amount of mechanical and internal energy possessed by objects. When work is done on a system or object, energy is added to it. When work is done by a system or object, it gives some of its energy to something else. Throwing a ball means a hand applies a force as an arm swings forward.

What is the rate at which work is done or energy is used?

power: A measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy. watt: In the International System of Units, the derived unit of power; the power of a system in which one joule of energy is transferred per second.