What is opposite word of Sunrise?

What is opposite word of Sunrise?

Opposite of rise of sun above horizon. nightfall. sundown. sunset. darkness.

What is the opposite of sundown?

Noun. Opposite of the period of the evening when twilight is visible, between daylight and darkness. aurora. cockcrow. dawn.

What is the opposite rising?

What is the opposite of rising?

falling descending
plummeting plummetting
plunging sinking
buckling cascading
coming down crashing

What is the opposite of dawn dawn?

Antonym of Dawn Word. Antonym. Dawn. Dusk. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the Synonym of sunrise?

What is another word for sunrise?

aurora cockcrow
dawn daybreak
sunup daylight
morning dayspring
dawning day

What is the synonym of sunrise?

What is opposite of sometimes?

Opposite of happening or occurring rarely. frequently. often. much. oft.

Is dusk the opposite of dawn?

Technically, “dusk” is the period of twilight between complete darkness and sunrise (or sunset). In common usage, “dawn” refers to morning, while “dusk” refers only to the evening twilight.

What do you call morning sun?

What is another word for sunrise?

aurora cockcrow
sunup daylight
morning dayspring
dawning day
light morn

What is a sunrise lover called?

Heliophile. A lover of the sun. A yes to sun.

What is the opposite of sun rise?

Antonyms for (noun) sunrise. Main entry: break of day, break of the day, cockcrow, aurora, first light, morning, dawn, dawning, daybreak, dayspring, sunrise, sunup. Definition: the first light of day. Usage: we got up before dawn; they talked until morning. Antonyms: sundown, sunset.

What is the antonym for Sunrise?

sunrise | definition: the first light of day | synonyms: dawning, aurora, morning, cockcrow, daybreak| antonyms: sunset, unoriginal, experienced, precedented, late, same, accustomed

What is the plural of Sunrise?

The noun sunrise can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be sunrise.

What is the antonym for Sunset?

sunset, sundown(noun) the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon. Antonyms: dawn, daybreak, dayspring, sunup, break of day, aurora, sunrise, dawning, cockcrow, break of the day, first light, morning, first, new.