
What is blown by the wind?

What is blown by the wind?

If something such as someone’s hair is wind-blown, it is untidy because it has been blown about by the wind. His blond hair was windblown. Quick word challenge.

How can I describe wind?

Wind is described with direction and speed. The direction of the wind is expressed as the direction from which the wind is blowing. Wind speeds are based on the descriptions of winds in a scale called the Beaufort Scale, which divides wind speeds into 12 different categories, from less than 1 mph to more than 73 mph.

Who is blown out by the wind in the poem wind?

The wind affects weak fires by blowing them out. b. The wind makes strong fires even stronger. a)The poet, Subramanya Bharathiar, personifies weak-hearted timid persons who do not have the strength to face and overcome the challenges of life to weak fires.

What does the wind symbolize in the poem wind?

The wind symbolises difficulties and challenges. In the poem, the poet wants to say that wind has the power to destroy things but we should not be disappointed because of this. We should take the boldness of wind as a challenge and should come out as a winner.

What is the central theme of the poem wind?

The poem “Wind” inspires us to face the challenges thrown at us with grit and firm determination. We should be strong enough to face all the hardships of life with courage. Wind symbolizes problems and obstacles that we all face and go through at some point of time in our lives. Was this answer helpful?

What does the wind symbolize how does the poet relate it to our life?

Answer: Ans: In relation to human beings, the wind has been used by the poet as a symbol of hardships that life is dotted with. Men have to encounter terrible suffering, sorrows, difficulties, and failures. So powerful are these troubles that only very strong people are able to overcome them and move ahead.

What is the wind a metaphor for?

In the poem ‘Wind’, the poet has directly called wind a destructive force, element and weapon, which creates havoc when it blows strongly. The poet does not call wind similar to something or someone who destroys but directly calls it the destructive force. Thus, wind has been used as a metaphor in the poem.

What lessons of life do we learn from wind?

Answer. The moral lessons that we learn from the poem is that the poem inspires us to face challenges and hardship with courage, firm determination and grit. The poem Wind is a symbol of problems and obstacles which are to be dealt with without fear.

What is the message given at the end of the poem be the best describe in your own words?

The poet teaches us a very important lesson of our life. He wants to convey to us that whatever you want to be or whatever you can be ,just be the best one in that field. The size doesn’t matter of winning and losing , what matter is the best whatever you are. Hope it helps!

What message is the poet trying to send out?

the message that the poet is trying to convey in the poem is that if we selfishly hold on to the world’s resources,and the wealth that it has to offer,if we persist in discriminating on grounds of race,religion and caste then we are lost so we should not be cold from within.