
What is another word for very black?

What is another word for very black?

What is another word for black?

dark ebony
darkened raven
sable inky
jet-black blackish
sooty swarthy

What are the different names for black?


  • dark.
  • raven.
  • ebony.
  • sable.
  • jet.
  • dusky.
  • pitch-black.
  • inky.

What is compound word for black?

10-letter words that start with black. blackberry. blackboard. blacksmith. blackthorn.

What is a meaning of pitch black?

: extremely dark or black.

What is the original meaning of black?

Old English blæc “absolutely dark, absorbing all light, the color of soot or coal,” from Proto-Germanic *blakaz “burned” (source also of Old Norse blakkr “dark,” Old High German blah “black,” Swedish bläck “ink,” Dutch blaken “to burn”), from PIE *bhleg- “to burn, gleam, shine, flash” (source also of Greek phlegein “to …

What is the compound word for blood?

10 letter words containing blood. bloodhound. bloodstock. bloodstain. bloodstone.

What is black in different languages?

In other languages black

  • American English: black /ˈblæk/
  • Arabic: أَسْوَد
  • Brazilian Portuguese: preto.
  • Chinese: 黑的
  • Croatian: crn.
  • Czech: černý
  • Danish: sort.
  • Dutch: zwart.

What things are pitch black?


  • atramentous.
  • brunet.
  • charcoal.
  • clouded.
  • coal.
  • dingy.
  • dusky.
  • ebon.

What is the legal definition of black?

The nation’s answer to the question ‘Who is black?” has long been that a black is any person with any known African black ancestry. This definition reflects the long experience with slavery and later with Jim Crow segregation.

What is Cruor?

obsolete. : the clotted portion of coagulated blood.