
What is a word that means to break down?

What is a word that means to break down?

Frequently Asked Questions About break down The words analyze and dissect are common synonyms of break down. While all three words mean “to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,” break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.

What does having a breakdown mean?

If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life. My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown. Synonyms: collapse, nervous breakdown, crackup [informal] More Synonyms of breakdown.

What is the example of breakdown?

The definition of a breakdown is a mechanical failure, a collapse of a system of authority, a failure of a relationship or interaction, or a collapse of someone’s mental health and a descent into permanent or temporary craziness. When your car stops working and will no longer start, this is an example of a breakdown.

How do you break down a large word?

Strategies for Reading Longer Words

  1. Look for parts you know at the BEGINNING of the word (prefixes).
  2. Look for parts you know at the END of the word (suffixes).
  3. Look for VOWEL PATTERNS that you know in the base word.
  4. Divide the word into SYLLABLES.
  5. Now, make your BEST GUESS.

What is another name for chemical breakdown?

Chemical decomposition, or chemical breakdown, is the process or effect of simplifying a single chemical entity (normal molecule, reaction intermediate, etc.)

How do you know if you’re having a breakdown?

What are the symptoms of a nervous breakdown?

  1. depressive symptoms, such as loss of hope and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  2. anxiety with high blood pressure, tense muscles, clammy hands, dizziness, upset stomach, and trembling or shaking.
  3. insomnia.
  4. hallucinations.
  5. extreme mood swings or unexplained outbursts.

What is a breakdown emotional?

“Emotional breakdown” is a term often used to describe someone suffering from depression, anxiety and acute stress disorder. An emotional breakdown means someone is experiencing: Insomnia. Hallucinations. Emotional outbursts including anger – sometimes with no obvious cause.

What are the symptoms of a breakdown?

What are the symptoms of a nervous breakdown?

  • depressive symptoms, such as loss of hope and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  • anxiety with high blood pressure, tense muscles, clammy hands, dizziness, upset stomach, and trembling or shaking.
  • insomnia.
  • hallucinations.
  • extreme mood swings or unexplained outbursts.

How do you use breakdown?

If you need a noun, choose the word breakdown. If you need a verb, use break down. Breakdown functions primarily as a noun. Break down is a verb phrase.

How do you break a word into parts?

Divide a Document into Sections

  1. Place the insertion point where you want the section break.
  2. Choose the Page Layout tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Breaks button. A menu appears.
  4. Click the type of section break you want. Word inserts the section break.

Is break down one word?

If the term you are wishing to use is a verb, separate it into two words to form break down. As a noun, breakdown is only one word. Break down is never a noun, and breakdown is never a verb.

Does breakdown mean crying?

feel unable to concentrate — difficulty focusing at work, and being easily distracted. be moody — feeling low or depression; feeling burnt out; emotional outbursts of uncontrollable anger, fear, helplessness or crying.

Can you split a word document into 4?

To split a page to 4 parts, you can insert a table to deal with the job. Place the cursor at left-top of the page, then click Insert > Table, select 2×2 Table. 2. The table has been inserted, then drag right-corner of the table to resize it as you need.

Is breakdown in a sentence?

1 He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage. 2 Our car had a breakdown on the motorway. 3 Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown. 4 These events left her on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.