
What is a place of residence called?

What is a place of residence called?

Noun. A place where one lives or calls home. home. house. place.

What should I write for place of residence?

place of residence

  • ZIP code.
  • home.
  • location.
  • number.
  • abode.
  • direction.
  • dwelling.
  • house.

What is place of residence example?

The house or apartment where you live is your place of residence. If you’re house proud, it means you keep your residence nice and tidy. The act of living in a place is also called residence. You might take up residence in an ancient oak tree when the city threatens to cut it down, for example.

Which word means almost the same as residence?

lodging house, lodgment. (or lodgement), room(s), rooming house.

What are the different types of residence?

There are four major residence patterns, Neolocal, Patrilocal, Matrilocal, and Avunculocal. Neolocal Residence is most common with North American couples. This is where the couple finds their own house, independent from all family members. Patrilocal Residence is most commonly used with herding and farming societies.

What is common residence?

common residence. A single family home, or an apartment, or a room or suite of rooms either in a rooming house operated as a business or in a hotel, or shelter arrangements involving related individuals who are homeless.

What is the meaning of city of residence?

City of Residence means and includes any city, town or village in which the Insured Person is currently residing in India and as specified in the Insured Person’s corresponding address in the Policy Certificate/Certificate of Insurance; Sample 1. Sample 2.

Is place of residence your address?

Address can mean P.O. box or where you receive mail, but current place of residence means you actually live there. Address is more general. box or where you receive mail, but current place of residence means you actually live there.

What is the word where you live?

reside Add to list Share. The place where you live — whether house, hotel, or mobile home — is where you reside.

What is type of residence mean?

Definition. This defines the type of residence a person lives in. It categories people as living in households or living in a communal establishment.

What is Natalocal residence?

Natalocal residence is structured by a rule that, upon marriage, both the husband and wife continue to reside with their families of origin. Children usually reside with the mother and remain in their natal household throughout their lives. Natalocal Residence, Stage I.

What is non resident?

A non-resident is an individual who mainly resides in one region or jurisdiction but has interests in another region. In the region where they do not mainly reside, they will be classified by government authorities as a non-resident.

Is place of residence and address same?

is that residence is residence (place where one resides) while address is direction or superscription of a letter, or the name, title, and place of residence of the person addressed.

What is my residential address?

Your residential address is the street address where you reside. Your billing address is the address to which your credit card bills are sent. Your billing address may be a PO Box.

What is another word for where you live?


  • home. noun. the place where you live.
  • environment. noun. the place in which people live and work, including all the physical conditions that affect them.
  • town. noun. the place that you live in, or the place that you are talking about.
  • habitation. noun.
  • abode. noun.
  • address. noun.
  • occupant. noun.
  • occupier. noun.

What is another word for live in?

Synonyms for live in in English inhabit; reside; occupy; dwell in; take up residence; live in; lodge; sojourn; sleep in.

What is a residence Pattern?

What is Matrifocal residence?

Matrifocal Residence. A matrifocal family consists of a woman and her children and sometimes her daughter’s children, without coresident husbands or other adult men.

How do I check my non resident status?

If you are an alien (not a U.S. citizen), you are considered a nonresident alien unless you meet one of two tests. You are a resident alien of the United States for tax purposes if you meet either the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year (January 1-December 31).