What is a antonym for foreshadow?

What is a antonym for foreshadow?

Princeton’s WordNet. prefiguration, foreshadowing, adumbration(adj) the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand. Antonyms: unprophetic.

What is a antonym for flashback?

The opposite of a flashback is a flash-forward—when the narrative transitions into a scene from the future. Flashback is also used in psychology to refer to recollections or hallucinations of past events.

What is the opposite of lightly?

What is the opposite of lightly?

arduously hardly
laboriously seriously
strenuously awkwardly
carefully earnestly
ponderously difficultly

What is reverse foreshadowing?

When an author employs foreshadowing, he flags a story element’s significance before the reader gets to it. In irony, the reader is allowed to experience it and then at some later point realizes how strange or unusual it actually was.

What is the definition for foreshadow?

transitive verb. : to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand : prefigure The hero’s predicament is foreshadowed in the first chapter.

What is a synonym for predict?

Some common synonyms of predict are forecast, foretell, prognosticate, and prophesy.

What does the word portend mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to give an omen or anticipatory sign of. 2 : indicate, signify.

What is a synonym for portend?

other words for portend

  • augur.
  • bespeak.
  • foretell.
  • predict.
  • presage.
  • harbinger.
  • hint.
  • omen.

Is portend a Scrabble word?

Yes, portend is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is a Maledict?

Definition of maledict (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : curse, execrate.

What does Viator mean?

A viator is a person who has been diagnosed with a terminal or life-threatening illness and decides to sell their life insurance policy. Often, viators are motivated by the desire to fund costly or experimental therapies that might prolong their life.

How do you use the word portend in a sentence?

Portend sentence example

  1. Having a black cat pass your path is said to portend bad luck.
  2. It would be a mistake to assume that they all portend disaster.
  3. Many believe that the recent eclipses portend some disaster or another ahead.

How do you use litany in a sentence?

Litany in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The landlord was tired of listening to his tenant’s litany of complaints about the property.
  2. When I listened to my mother’s litany of criticisms about the nursing home staff, I was shocked by some of her accusations.
  3. The criminal’s litany of crimes filled a huge folder in the prosecutor’s office.

How do you use recant in a sentence?

Recant sentence example

  1. Attempts were made by the officials to induce him to recant , but without effect.
  2. He was compelled to recant , under strong pressure from Pope Innocent III.
  3. Barnes was forced to apologize and recant ; and Gardiner delivered a series of sermons at St Paul’s Cross to counteract Barnes’ invective.

What is another word for taking back?

suppress; revoke; withhold; subdue; retract; keep in control; recant; keep back; pulverize; take back; rub fine; crush; pulverise; withdraw; swallow; unsay; return; bring back; repossess.

What does recanting mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce. 2 : revoke. intransitive verb.

What does recent mean?

1a : having lately come into existence : new, fresh. b : of or relating to a time not long past. 2 capitalized : holocene. Other Words from recent Example Sentences Learn More about recent..

What is another word for recent?

In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for recent, like: current, new, modern, fresh, up-to-date, original, , late, neo, previous and newfangled.

What does get at recent mean?

It means “go to my newest picture and like it”

What is the adjective of recent?

adjective. of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.: recent events; a recent trip. not long past: in recent years. of or belonging to a time not long past.

Is recent past tense?

Definition: Recent past tense is a past tense that refers to a time, culturally and situationally defined, within the span ranging from yesterday to a week or a few months previous.

What is the meaning of resented?

to feel or show displeasure or indignation at (a person, act, remark, etc.) from a sense of injury or insult.

What is the meaning of bitterness?

1 : sharp, biting, and unpleasant to the taste. 2 : unhappy and angry because of unfair treatment She was bitter toward her spoiled sister. 3 : hard to put up with a bitter disappointment. 4 : caused by anger, distress, or sorrow bitter tears. 5 : very harsh or sharp : biting a bitter wind.

What is the full meaning of resentment?

: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.


What is a antonym for foreshadow?

What is a antonym for foreshadow?

Princeton’s WordNet. prefiguration, foreshadowing, adumbration(adj) the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand. Antonyms: unprophetic.

What Herald means?

1 : an official messenger. 2 : a person who brings news or announces something. herald. verb. heralded; heralding.Il y a 4 jours

What is another word for Herald?

Frequently Asked Questions About herald Some common synonyms of herald are forerunner, harbinger, and precursor.

What is the job of a herald?

Herald, originally, an officer in medieval Europe charged with carrying messages to and from the commanders of opposing armies; in modern times, a professional authority on armorial history and genealogy.

What means Hark?

intransitive verb. : to pay close attention : listen only natural for them to hark to him— G. G. Black.

What does hark at you mean?

UK humorous. said to someone who has just accused you of something that you think that person is guilty of himself or herself: Hark at him calling me lazy when he never walks anywhere if he can drive!

What does baying mean?

Action of the verb to bay; howling. She quickly grew weary of the beast’s constant baying. baying(Noun) An instance of baying; a howl.

What does condoling mean?

1 obsolete : grieve. 2 : to express sympathetic sorrow. transitive verb. archaic : lament, grieve. Other Words from condole Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about condole.

How are prosaic and dull alike?

Dull adjective – Causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest. Prosaic is a synonym for dull in boring topic. In some cases you can use “Prosaic” instead an adjective “Dull”, when it comes to topics like common, flat, insensitive, excite.

Is console and condole the same thing?

‘Condole’ is an intransitive verb that means to express a sympathetic sorrow with a person who is suffering or to grieve with them after a loss, especially in death. ‘Console’ as a verb has a related meaning to expressing sympathy.

How do you use condole in a sentence?

  1. We condole with him on his loss.
  2. Kate wrote to condole with her friend on the death of her mother.
  3. We condole with you on your misfortune.
  4. Chest a falbala, a word, condole belt is adjustable.
  5. You must condole the widow.
  6. Bandage condole is on the neck, at be!
  7. I condole with you on your father’s death.

What does humdrum mean?

noun. humdrum character or routine; monotony. monotonous or tedious talk. Archaic. a dull, boring person.

What does nebulous mean?

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a nebula : nebular. 2 : indistinct, vague … this nebulous thing called jazz. — Josef Woodard … the nebulous region between mere suspicion and probable cause— W. R.Il y a 4 jours

What is another word for compensation?

Synonyms & Antonyms of compensation

  • damages,
  • indemnification,
  • indemnity,
  • quittance,
  • recompense,
  • recoupment,
  • redress,
  • remuneration,