
What is a 100 grid?

What is a 100 grid?

100 Grids. This is a called 100 grids as the main page has 100 vocabulary cells on. It has been designed with an eyegaze user in mind, to try and make access easier. The vocabulary has been broken up into 4 groups when a user picks a certain group they will then jump to a page that will have that vocabulary on.

What is the formula for X bar?

In mathematical notation, the definition of x-bar looks more sophisticated and complex than it really is. If you have a number of measurements n, and you represent each measurement by the letter x, you get x-bar by performing the following operation: x-bar = ∑x_ i_/n.

What is basic mathematics?

Basic math is nothing but the simple or basic concept related with mathematics. Generally, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called the basic math operation. The other mathematical concept are built on top of the above 4 operations.