What happens if seeds are planted too close together?

What happens if seeds are planted too close together?

Plants also can affect how nearby companions grow, as roots tangle and compete for the same resources of water and nutrients in the soil. Planting too close together limits the growth potential and often threatens plant health.

Is when a seed begins to sprout?

When seeds are planted, they first grow roots. Once these roots take hold, a small plant will begin to emerge and eventually break through the soil. When this happens, we say that the seed has sprouted. The scientific name for this process is germination.

What happens if I don’t thin my seedlings?

When left un-thinned, seedlings that are in tight quarters will compete with one another for nutrients, water, air, and root space. Those are not things you want to deprive your seedlings of! In addition to concerns about competition, crowding seedlings also increases the risk for disease.

Should I separate seedlings?

Don’t seed too thickly. Two to three seeds per pot is sufficient. Some gardeners carefully separate the seedlings and replant the extras in other pots. Thrifty, yes, but it’s easy to damage the tiny plants.

Do lettuce seedlings need to be thinned?

Salad seeds are small, and best sown in rows outdoors. Once the seedlings are large enough to handle, you’ll need to ‘thin’ them, reducing crowding in the row. Thinning your plants gives them space to grow to larger leaves and dense hearts.

When should I repot my seedlings?

After 6 to 8 weeks under the grow lights, many of the seedlings need to be repotted into larger containers to ensure continued healthy growth until it’s time to move them into the garden.

How long does it take for a lettuce seed to germinate?

7 to 10 days

What percent water is lettuce?


Can lettuce get too much water?

Common Lettuce Problems Too much or too little water can spell disaster for lettuce plants at every stage of growth. Insufficient moisture will cause lettuce seeds and seedlings to fail, while too much water will contribute to fungal and bacterial growth that can kill young seedlings.