What happened Isabel Moctezuma?

What happened Isabel Moctezuma?

Doña Isabel died in 1550 or 1551. Her estate was large, consisting not only of the encomienda, but also personal possessions she had acquired during her marriages with the Spaniards. Previous to those marriages, she had been an Aztec princess who owned nothing except her distinguished name.

When did Montezuma The first die?

Moctezuma died in the evening hours of June 30, 1520, in his palace in the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, while a prisoner of the Spanish conquistadors. The Emperor had been speaking to his people in an effort to persuade them to cease hostilities against Hernán Cortés, his Spanish soldiers, and Indian allies.

How many mestizo children did Isabel Moctezuma have?

She married him in the same year 1531, after apparently a very short period of mourning for Pedro Gallego. The couple sired five children: Don Pedro Cano de Moctezuma, Don Gonzalo Cano de Moctezuma, Don Juan Cano de Moctezuma, Doña Isabel de Moctezuma (the Minor), and Doña Catalina de Moctezuma.

Who is Dona Isabel de Moctezuma in history?

Alongside Doña Marina (Malinche), the loyal interpreter and mistress of Hernando Cortés, Doña Isabel de Moctezuma, the daughter of the famous Mexica huey tlahtoani (supreme ruler) Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin is the most well-known and popular female personage of the late pre-Hispanic and early colonial history of Mexico.

Who are the sons and Daughters of Isabel Moctezuma?

In 1532 she married her sixth husband, Juan Cano de Saavedra, by whom she had three sons and two daughters: Pedro, Gonzalo, Juan, Isabel, and Catalina Cano de Moctezuma. Isabel and Catalina became nuns at the first convent in the Americas, El Convento de la Concepción de la Madre de Dios.

Who was Juan de Andrade Moctezuma baptized by?

1. Leonor Cortés Moctezuma (m. Juan de Tolosa), b. c1528, may have been baptized under the name “de Andrade Moctezuma” (Lived separate from her mother, transferred to the home of Juan Altamirano after birth.) 1. Juan de Andrade Moctezuma, b. 1529, baptized by Bishop Juan de Zumárraga.

How old was Isabel Moctezuma when she married Tecuichpotzin?

Cuauhtémoc became emperor and married Tecuichpotzin. She was only about eleven or twelve years old at the time of her third marriage. Hernán Cortés and other Spaniards entered Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519. For several months they lived in Moctezuma’s palace.