
What does SEC mean in English?

What does SEC mean in English?

Definition of sec (Entry 2 of 3) 1 secant. 2 second; secondary. 3 secretary. 4 section.

What does Conner mean in French?

Answer. Connor in French is . The meaning of is Desire, Wise aid, Hound lover.

What does the word Phoque mean?

British English: seal /siːl/ NOUN. animal A seal is an animal which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea.

Is SEC short for section?

Securities and Exchange Commission. Abbreviation of secant. Abbreviation of section.

What does SEC mean in text?

SEC means “Second (time)”.

Is Connor a French name?

Connor is an Irish male given name, anglicised from the compound Irish word “Conchobhar”, meaning “Lover of wolves” or “Lover of hounds”….Connor (given name)

Language(s) Gaelic
Word/name Conchobar
Meaning “Lover of Wolves” (or Hounds)
Region of origin Irish and Hiberno-Norman

What does Phogue mean?

English Translation. seal. More meanings for phoque. seal noun.

Is Seal in French the F word?

animal A seal is an animal which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea.

Is SEC a word?

sec n. (colloquial) Abbreviation of second.

What does SEC mean in writing?

(sɛk ) Word forms: secs. Sec. is a written abbreviation for second1 or seconds.

Is sec a word?

What does take a sec mean?

countable noun. If you ask someone to wait a sec, you are asking them to wait for a very short time. [informal]

Is Connor a weird name?

Conor is a male given name of Irish origin. The meaning of the name is “Lover of Wolves” or “Lover of Hounds”. Conchobhar/Conchubhar or from the name Conaire, found in Irish legend as the name of the high king Conaire Mór and other heroes….Conor.

Meaning lover of hounds
Other names
Variant form(s) Connor, Conner

What is a nickname for Connor?

Here are some of the most popular nicknames for Connor: Con/Conn. Coner. Con-Man.

How do you say Connor in Irish?

Connor in Irish is Concobhar.

How many ways can you spell Connor?

three different ways
Connor (Irish origin) means “lover of wolves”, there are three different ways to spell Connor: Conor, Conner, and Konner. 43.

Who do u say seal in French?

The word seal, in French, is “phoque.” The baby seal pictured above would be bébé phoque. If you say it phonetically, you will realize it is a six-letter word that sounds like a four-letter word in English that certainly doesn’t conjure images of the adorable La Jolla seals.

What do you call a baby seal?

Newborn harp seals have soft, white fur and are called whitecoats. Young seals of any species are also referred to as pups.

Is SEC a scrabble word?

Yes, sec is in the scrabble dictionary.