What does scrupulous Pedanticalness mean?
What does scrupulous Pedanticalness mean?
about the minute differences between synonyms, we can infer that scrupulous pedanticalness means being overly concerned with. minute details.
What is the meaning of the word solemnly as used in the passage?
seriously and without any humour: I solemnly promise to tell the truth.
What does the scrupulous mean?
1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper. 2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking working with scrupulous care.
What is synonyms of scrupulously?
synonyms for scrupulous
- conscientious.
- fastidious.
- honest.
- meticulous.
- painstaking.
- precise.
- rigorous.
- strict.
What does most solemnly mean?
Someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheerful or humorous. His solemn little face broke into smiles. He looked solemn. Synonyms: serious, earnest, grave, sober More Synonyms of solemn. solemnly graded adverb [ADVERB with verb]
What is mean solemnly?
To do something solemnly is to do it in a grave and earnest manner. While you might wear black to both a funeral and an art opening, it’s appropriate to behave more solemnly at the funeral. Solemnly carries a sense of seriousness and dignity.
What is scrupulous conscience and example?
Scrupulous conscience means a conscience that judges that there is sin where there really is no sin, or that judges that something is a mortal sin when it is only a venial sin. Delicate conscience judges correctly and with careful attention concerning the acts that are about to be performed.
What is scrupulous literature?
adjective. having scruples, or moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled: scrupulous about defending human rights. punctiliously or minutely careful, precise, or exact: a scrupulous attention to detail in their performance.
What does over scrupulous mean?
(ˌəʊvəˈskruːpjʊləs) adjective. extremely careful about what is morally right.
What is a word scrupulous?
What is meant by solemnly affirm?
1 characterized or marked by seriousness or sincerity. a solemn vow. 2 characterized by pomp, ceremony, or formality. 3 serious, glum, or pompous.
What is the meaning of Hauser?
German (also Häuser) and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Middle High German hus ‘house’, German Haus, + the suffix -er, denoting someone who gives shelter or protection. Compare Hausmann. variant of Hausen. Similar surnames: Hausler, Hauber, Haser, Hauter, Mauser, Huser, Lauser, Rauser, Mauer.