
What does it mean if your second toe is longer than your big toe?

What does it mean if your second toe is longer than your big toe?

Morton’s toe, or Morton’s foot, describes the condition where your second toe looks longer than your big toe. It’s very common: Some people just have it and others don’t. In some people, Morton’s toe may increase the chances of calluses forming on the sole of your foot and some other foot pains.

What toe gives you the most balance?

Of all your toes, your big toes are the most important. They play the most critical role in maintaining your balance. They also bear the most weight when standing. Your big toes can bear almost twice as much weight as the other toes combined.

Can you still walk if you lose your big toe?

“You lose some balance, strength and ability to propulse in gait, but they walk fine as long as they are in appropriate shoes with customized inserts and toe fillers.” Except for aesthetic reasons, Lee does not prescribe prosthetic toes.

Is losing a big toe a disability?

A traumatic amputation is the loss of a body part—usually a finger, toe, arm, or leg—that occurs as the result of an accident or trauma. An amputation is considered a disabling condition by the SSA and may qualify you for either SSD or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits dependent on the condition and your age.

What happens if you amputate your big toe?

Consequently, losing one or more toes can affect balance in the short-term. Having a big toe amputated has a more dramatic impact, as it bears the brunt of your weight when walking. This can affect general day-to-day life, especially with sports and exercise.

What is the recovery time for a big toe amputation?

Your Recovery For most people, pain improves within a week after surgery. You may have stitches or sutures. The doctor will probably take these out about 10 days after the surgery. You may need to wear a cast or a special type of shoe for about 2 to 4 weeks.

Why would a toe need to be amputated?

When foot ulcers do develop, it’s important to get prompt care. More than 80 percent of amputations begin with foot ulcers. A nonhealing ulcer that causes severe damage to tissues and bone may require surgical removal (amputation) of a toe, foot or part of a leg. Some people with diabetes are more at risk than others.

Can you get your toe amputated from an ingrown toenail?

In fact, left untreated, such condition can lead to amputations. If you are experiencing severe pain, pus discharge, or already have such an underlying medical condition, you should go ahead and see a doctor.