
What are the margins for A4 paper?

What are the margins for A4 paper?


Page Settings
Letter Paper A4 Paper
Left margin 0.75in 0.75in
Right margin 0.75in 0.52in
Bottom margin 0.75in 1.44in

Does a margin account affect credit score?

However, if you apply for a margin account — allowing you to buy stock using money borrowed from the broker — they will likely run a credit report, which will count as a hard inquiry.

Can you day trade without a margin account?

Therefore, technically yes you can day trade without a margin account, but as you can see from the options listed, things are restrictive.

Which option strategy is most profitable?

Option Selling Strategies Selling Options

Is it bad to be flagged as a day trader?

It depends on your brokerage. For first-time offenders, the consequences might not be so bad, assuming your brokerage has a more forgiving policy. However, you will likely be flagged as a pattern day trader (in the violator sense) just so your broker can watch your activities for any consistent or repeat offenses.

Why is day trading bad?

You’re short on time and capital Getting started in day trading is a lot like buying a small business. It takes commitment of both time and of money. If you don’t have enough time, learning technical patterns is difficult. If you don’t have the money, you won’t be able to work through rough cycles.

What happens if I get flagged as a day trader?

The moment your trading account is flagged as a pattern day trader, your ability to trade is restricted. Unless you bring your account balance to $25,000 you will not be able to trade for 90 days. Some brokers can reset your account but again this is an option you can’t use all the time.

Is a day trade 24 hours?

The “day” definition, for the purposes of a PDT, is a single business day—not a 24-hour period.

What can you write off as a day trader?

You can deduct attorney and accounting fees related to your investment income. Office expenses: If you do your day trading from an outside office, you can deduct the rent and related expenses. You can deduct the expenses of a home office, too, as long as you use it regularly and exclusively for business.