
Is a 500 watt speaker loud?

Is a 500 watt speaker loud?

It is not safe to say a 500- watt speaker will be louder than a 200 watt speaker. You have to keep in mind that if you double the power, you only get 3dB more volume, which is all other things being equal, in the grand scheme of things.

Does higher watts mean better sound?

Yes, it’s true that the higher the power (watts), the louder and cleaner the speakers will play. Small differences in power, however, don’t make much of an audible change. That means a 50 watt per channel receiver would have to go up to 100 watts per channel before you could discern a noticeable change.

Is 500 watts enough bass?

at 500 watts you will be fine, so make your ported/sealed choice based on what sounds better to you. the 12″ will hit lower than 10″, that is why its worth more.

Is a 1000 watts loud?

It’s just the actual conversion result that occurs when you increase the power output by precisely 10, 100 or 1000 watts. Consider an increase of 10 watts in power output….What’s the Impact of Increasing Power Output?

Amplifier Power Output Speaker Output Level Increase
100 watts 20 dB
1000 watts 30 dB

Does more watts mean better bass?

More bass does not necessarily mean better bass. The power is determined by the wattage of the subwoofer in question, where a higher wattage demonstrates a more powerful subwoofer. Wattage is a rough indicator of how powerful a subwoofer can be, not how it should be played!