How much force do I exert on the ground?

How much force do I exert on the ground?

Using Newton’s third law of motion, we can conclude that the force exerted on the earth is 0.98 Newtons towards the apple.

How hard can a person push?

For average person, the recommend safe pull limit is 30% body weight. So for a 200 pound average adult male, it would be 60 pounds. Note that a professional athlete could do much more whereas a fragil elderly woman would only be able to pull much less. The world record for weight lifting is about 920 pounds.

Why is it so much more difficult to get a heavy table to start moving than it is to keep it moving?

Why is it so much more difficult to get a heavy table to start moving, than it is to keep it moving? A horizontal force is extended on an object so that it accelerates at a constant rate across a rough horizontal surface (friction cannot be neglected).

What force is needed to maintain the speed of an object if there is no resistance?

If there is no resistance then no force is needed to maintain the speed of an object. According to Newton’s first law, a body in motion stays in…

When gravity is the only force acting?

When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object is said to be in free fall. force of gravity is an unbalanced force, which causes an object to accelerate. Near the surface of Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2.

What force causes a leaf to fall more slowly than a penny?

air resistance

What is the greatest speed an object can reach when falling?

about 195 km/h

What’s the fastest an object can fall?

Near the surface of the Earth, an object in free fall in a vacuum will accelerate at approximately 9.8 m/s2, independent of its mass. With air resistance acting on an object that has been dropped, the object will eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is around 53 m/s (190 km/h or 118 mph) for a human skydiver.

At what speed does a human body fall?

The speed achieved by a human body in free fall is conditioned of two factors, body weight and body orientation. In a stable, belly to earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120 mph).

Which ball will travel the farthest?

Titleist Pro V1x

Is a basketball bigger than a bowling ball?

The smallest? A squash ball is just a little smaller than the golf ball. At the other end of the scale, the largest is the basketball….Sport Ball Diameter, Sorted from Smallest to largest.

sport Bowling
diameter (inches) 8.500 to 8.595
diameter (mm) 215.9 to 218.3
notes this is the maximum size